International and national rights and conduct
Karmelo Landa @karmelolanda 2022ko maiatzaren 23a

I have recently participated in a master's degree on the international system for the protection of human rights. There is a terrible paradox. On the one hand, the so-called universal system of the United Nations has achieved, at least at the normative level, the highest possible degree, that is, at the global level we have sufficient codes, standards, institutions and commissions that allow us to analyse and resolve any conflict, injustice, oppression or injustice that occurs on our planet. But the United Nations itself does not have enough command to implement these right rules.

Immediately after that horror, known as the Second World War, it was formed at the international level, inexorably called the United Nations Organization, to prevent such a devastating war in 1945 mundo.Arranc and established the International Human Rights Defender or the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, so as to resolve conflicts and conflicts more democratically and conflicts at the international level. But it is now 75 years and we cannot say that we have made much progress. Nobody wants to confess this, but few can deny that these days we can be on the doorstep of a more open and even destructive third war.

"Claiming rights, but imposing so-called pragmatism. The policy area has become a scenario of inconsistency, even within the home"

What about human beings? We are proud of the steps taken in this regulation of rights, of international norms as a model of civilisation and civility, as a model of democracy in our State. But the trench of behavioural rights is growing. The same rights that are extolled verbally deteriorate, obviously, without havoc or disguise. What seems to be the temple of democracy becomes the realm of injustice for the anguish of all.

Claiming rights, but imposing so-called pragmatism. The policy area has become a scenario of inconsistency, even within the home. Democratic principles are proclaimed in marked days, independence or sovereignty, nationalism or Euskaldunization, republic or pluralism, Korrika or Euskaraldia, but we all have a look at the offer of a tempting tactical alliance. And so behavior excludes law, leaving it for another occasion. They say that we have the right to decide, but we join in the decisions of others.

Perhaps we have forgotten a basic principle, that although rights are universal, their exercise must be concrete, concrete, particularised. Democracy will never be a metaphysical reality, a sacred pact outside the practice of a particular community. The democratic community needs a concrete, material, concrete site. Everyone needs their own house as the basis for democratic organisation. Our house is Euskal Herria, and on it we have to build a democratic system of nation. Internal construction and internationalization.

The so-called political pragmatism, in our country, forgets this basic scientific concept and is confused in the finished constructions of others, without trying to move our own house from the plans to reality. And in that confusion, it threatens several pillars that should underpin our own house: the Basque, the territory, the republic, the specific correspondence. It loses our influence in translation.