Spreading the shadow of Le Pen
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko maiatzaren 13a

When it was the ttipi, Le Pen had two votes in my hometown. All the elections were two votes, and obviously, being a people of about a hundred people, about 75 voters, we knew which house they were from. After the elections, in 2002 he had two, when for the first time the right muzzle was in the second round of the French presidency. This year he has gathered 26 votes and I do not understand this number, reflecting. Needless to say, the fertile land at the tip of the right, immigration, insecurity, crime, does not know the Ttipis peoples of Baxebarre. The social and economic concern of Le Pen in his favour has not made a great leap in this mountain art either. Unlike before, if they are new people coming from France and perhaps with them the lepenist vote has been brought. I say this because one of you told the neighborhood no matter who votes in Le Pen, adding without any prudence an anecdote: that the neighborhood of the next town brought some Nazi skinheads from Germany who have a neighborhood to violently expel some Gypsies installed in the football field. But in those 26 cases, the majority are of popular origin. I do not believe that everyone has opted for racist voting – and if I thwart myself, we are wrong. I say that it follows an electoral calculus because on this occasion Le Pen has not focused anything on the xenophobic message.

Le Pen has 55,879 votes from Iparralde in the second round, 37,301 more than in 2002. Faced with this, the anti-fascist response has lost strength, it is evident by comparing the demonstrations carried out in Baiona between the two laps of 2002 and 2022. There is an extreme need to reactivate the anti-fascist response – suppose that whatever comes to my people should be afraid or ashamed of telling their anecdote. Activate it whenever necessary. But I am convinced that anti-fascism must include the exercise of talking to the person, the time to do anti-fascist pedagogy. There is also a need for the emergence of what Le Pen callas and of what the media keep us in the mainst: those people have to know that by voting for the “change” of the tip of the right, Le Pen’s main message, they choose a racist change and vote or not for a fascist. The exercise is not easy, but we have to do it very patiently over the next five years.