It will catch you
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2022ko maiatzaren 11
MÄIRÜ | Egilea editore, 2022

Mäirük brought trance music from Lapurdi. Electronic and tribal music, or traditional music, is based on repetition. You don't have to know the song to start dancing. From the second round everyone knows what to do.

The Mäirü group has made a four-year search to get this album of the same name. Percussion-based music has been developing, developing harmoniously and melodiously what was very savage. The search was conducted among nine musicians: txalapartas, percussion, drums, synthesizers, flute, guitars and voices.

With Etzan they have opened the album and here you can see the importance of harmony, as the syllabic song is based on the guitar. Animale Heroin is a canonical piece with a lively and dancing rhythm, long, sighted sounds and repetitive voices.

The result of the song in the black jungle arouses curiosity. It is based on a vulture, very electronic and percussion, but the melody of the voice has also been based on repetition, with a canon and a rebel harmony. Flute travesera de Perrine Feriol and interviews with synthesizers of Txomin Ugartemendia.

Detroit is the origin of techno music in the 1980s, in a city devastated by deindustrialization and relocation. A group of young people with no future and no hope began to meet in abandoned factories, around music invented by African-American youths Juan Atkins, Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson. It was sessions over twelve hours, without alcohol or drugs, almost two years a day, until the world, or better markets, discovered.

Techno comes from the term techno rebels, from the perspectives that worked with afro-futurism. Mr Mäirük, consciously or unconsciously, has taken a step in Basque tourism, fleeing clichés called styles.

Because big changes don't necessarily come from big structures. There is always a seed, which leads a future inside, ready to blossom and exploit the grain. If I am not mistaken, Mäirük has gone a long way to get here. But now they carry everything they've learned along the way and they can carry their voice through the flows of spring rivers. It's time for the snowy mountains to separate.