Epic verdi
Montserrat Auzmendi del Solar 2022ko maiatzaren 04a
E. Moreno Esquibel

One of the most interesting ABAO projects in recent years has been called Tutto Verdi. In this cycle all the operas of the composer Verdi have been represented, without exception. And the last of these operas is the one we mentioned below. Alzira.

For many reasons it was worth going to this AOA quote. On the one hand, because it was the closure of the cycle mentioned and, on the other, because that small jewel of Verdi, one of the shortest operas of its production, was not represented in Spain since 1854. And the truth is, it's hard for us to understand why this charming work, with epic libretto, friendly musicals and obvious arias.

It is a lyrical tragedy based on the work of Voltaire Alzire, ou Les américains. The action is located in Peru and illustrates the resistance of the indigenous people to political, religious and cultural hegemony at the time of the Regencia, telling how the locals unite to fight the invading forces and free Princess Alzira and her father Ataliba.

In the story, the Inca Zamoro and the Spanish tyrant Gusmano face each other. The beloved of Zamoro Zabala and head of the Peruvian tribes, Gusman wants to marry his protagonist at all costs.

The protagonist Alzira had a magnificent interpretation in the hands of soprano Carmen Solis, replacing the proclaimed Chinese Soprano Hui He. He had very important moments: Riposa in the second edition, cavatina in suo vegan pain, or duet with Zamoro Chi fia? Ah! The L'ombra fire, which showed a great dramatic credibility and a tone of elegant and personal voice.

Tenor Sergio Escobar was from the bottom up. Although in the first exercise we saw little insecurities, in the second and third exercises he displayed all the firmness of his voice. Strong.

The baritone Juan Jesús Rodríguez made a magnificent Gusmano. Full of nuances, with a perfectly dominated and very credible voice in her role. I would highlight Chiedere Quanto as a deadly può, or an excellent final, a moment where forgiveness is demanded, exciting.

Special mention is due to the Bilbao Opera Choir, which occupied a prominent place in its brilliant corals. And the Bilbao Sinfonietta Orkestra, led by Daniel Oren, who was able to elegantly highlight the vocal work.

Opera Alzira de Verdi organized by ABAO. Orchestra Bilbao Sinfonietta. Director: Daniel Oren. Bilbao Opera Choir. Director: Boris Dujin. Soloists: Carmen Solís (soprano), Sergio Escobar (tenor), Juan Jesús Rodríguez (baritone), David Legares (low), Josep Miquel Ramón (baritone), Vicenç Esteve (tenor), Maria Zapata (soprano) and Gerardo López (tenor). Scene address: Jean Pierre Gamarra.