Understanding technology
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko maiatzaren 03a

We often understand technology as a product, but technology is closer to the idea of recipe. With a next-generation mobile in our hands, we believe that the latest technology is in our hands. That is not the case. Technology is not an object, it is knowledge, a knowledge oriented to influence the human world.

I think experience is the best way to capture technology, to acquire knowledge, or at least to better understand things. This experience must also make sense for understanding and knowledge to flourish. Have you ever disassembled an electronic toy? Have you seen the speaker, the cables, the keys, the motors inside? If you've had this experience, when you've seen an electronic toy again, you've probably more easily suspected how it works without dismantling. With programming codes, something similar happens, even with languages, with human relationships ... Experience helps us better predict what will come.

Much work has been done in this regard in relation to free software. Maybe because free software is closer to recipe, experience than product or object. The tool closest to the idea. Meetings, festivals, exchanges... Free software is disseminated through the exchange of knowledge between people. And it's a very educational practice. But how do you create such an experience in your nearby community (town, school, neighborhood)? Are the devices we use today prepared for such an experience? How far can we act? Where and with whom can we make such an experience?

There is a lot of information and we can start to promote such an experience without fear. Care for expectations and broaden the possibilities of learning and education among all to enjoy the experience. The small meetings are interesting (in school, library, cultural center...). The process will be different in each case, but we will learn a lot about technology and people on the way.