Dressing in action: Under the motto "Moments and spaces for reflection of the Euskaltzales of Vitoria-Gasteiz", four monthly sessions will be held in the capital of Alavesa, until May. GEU, Lazarraga Kultur Elkartea, Alea Magazine, and Article Reporting.
The first session in February was "The Basque people of Gasteiz. Who to invite to the family photo?" Her motto was Irati Iciar Madinabeitia, president of GEU. To publicize this initiative, Oskar García de Bikuña and Irati Iciar, member of Arabupdating - Topagunea, have attended. Regarding the Basque language in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the two interlocutors believe that the Basque language is the people concerned with the situation of the language and that it is concentrated in very different groups or commissions (parents, workers, students, leisure time, culture, sport, Basque, media, young people...) with the intention of influencing.
In the words of García de
Bikuña, Map of the Basque Country of Vitoria-Gasteiz, "we have tried to prepare the Euskaltzales of Vitoria-Gasteiz for the practice of the Basque Country, dress in content, activate it, and for this we want to work the theoretical and methodological foundations and present some experiences of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Araba. The idea is to know the situation of Vitoria-Gasteiz and, with it, to know the agents who work in the Basque country". That was the road that joined him last year, as Iciar says: "During the cycle a year ago we tried to map the Basque Country of Gasteiz, together with the agents who participated in the sessions. That is, we try to establish where we live, where we work, where we act… on a large map. A picture, after all." This year the family photo in question was executed, according to Iciar: "Instead of talking abstract about the Vitorian Basque community, Aritz Martínez de Luna has collected the data from this family photo and created an interactive map in the weekly Alea."
Some are data from the Sociolinguistic Survey, the surveys conducted in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Basque Country and the organizers of the course. "Without abstraction, we wanted to name and surname the Basque people of Gasteiz, thus inviting various groups and commissions to the family photo. Obviously, we are not a family of blood, but a family that unites us the Basque. Some are organized, others are not. Our first desire was to identify the Basques that are organized," says Iciar.
Dynamic family photography They
have created a database of Basque cultural activity in Vitoria-Gasteiz. That is what the photographs refer to. Iciar, president of GEU, has made a note: "It's a dynamic picture, but it's not just a photograph that reflects the current situation, it's not just the Basque associations, it's the people who want a better future for the Basque: hundreds of groups are in it." And first of all, we're working to make that dynamic photo and interactive map useful tools. Iciar: "Let's imagine that a parent association wants a trainer who knows Euskera so their children can play sports in Euskera. The first objective of many associations of fathers and mothers is not the Basque, but they also have needs in Basque, so we have also wanted to gather them in our family photo. The Basque family is broad and dynamic, it is possible that in this association also the sensibilities change, along with the parents, and the photo necessarily has to be dynamic, in the rest we would be limited to the associations of Euskera and culture".
Irati Iciar: "Without abstraction, we wanted to name and surname the Basque people of Gasteiz"
In the opinion of García de Bikuña, despite having taken a family photo, they are trying to bring together all the people who strive for a better future in the situation of the Basque Country, "to create the photo together and continue feeding the photo, because they are always creating new groups and associations. Any entity, as it starts taking steps in favor of the Basque Country, is part of this photograph".
For Icia, we often feel that "we are with us and us". We wanted to go further and attract those who see Euskaldun in Vitoria, who is not active, who do not feel Euskera". They say that not all Basques are necessarily vasophiles, but still have room in the family photo. The neighborhood commissions, the Basque groups, the associations of fathers and mothers, the groups of young people who work for the Basque country… "We are not a closed thing. First, we wanted to bring together as many people as possible and create a directory – but by managing the dynamic directory, discharges and casualties – and secondly, we want it to be useful for anyone working in the Basque country to use it, not only the organizers of the initiative,” Iciar. Also, García de Bikuña: "Socializing the database we are completing, if we manage to make it available to everyone, we will achieve the goal. We always seek cooperation, community cohesion. We Euskaltzales are many in Vitoria, we are in any group or entity, but we are not aware. We wanted everyone to know each other." And Iciar: "Our challenge is to usefully complete that relationship between the people we've made, that social network. It's not good for a parent association to need an Basque coach to do after-school activities and have to go to Google. Is it not easier and more appropriate to ask in family?”
In the middle of the Spanish ocean, the visualization of the Basques is also key. In Iciar's words, "How do we visualize each other? Going to Euskaldunes. All of us who go to Oihaneder Euskararen Etxea are Basque. Activated or not, Basques. Look, we're not going to consume alone, it's inside a big project and it's activated. That’s ‘dressing to influence’: raising awareness to those who are not enabled. Because the Basques of Álava and Vitoria have to meet each other to help themselves.
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