Ukraine and the Internet
  • Concerned about the citizens who are in Ukraine, many people are trying to help. I have met two interesting support activities related to the digital world. On the one hand, I was surprised at the way in which the Russian punk group Pussy Riot has achieved a cryptototxanpone valued at EUR 6 million to help the citizens of Ukraine. Secondly, the magnate Elon M. has set up satellites of the controversial Start Link project on Ukraine, with the aim of providing Internet access assistance to citizens.
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko martxoaren 10a

Pussy Riot’s action has shown that the NFT (where fungible token) is an opportunity to channel financial support. So far I've only seen NFT to speculate. For cryptototxanpones, Pussy Riote created the NFT called Ukrain DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): Image of the Ukrainian flag, accompanied by an aid text. The idea has been so good that it can become a pathway through Block Chain technology, offering transparency and privacy care.

The action of Elon Muskiz is also important for the citizens of Ukraine in these days when their telecommunications infrastructures are being destroyed. Muskiz has also shared safety recommendations for the use of these infrastructures, knowing that satellite signals can be received by the Russians.

Both actions need infrastructures that promote the Internet: Behind Pussy Riot’s action lies the idea of distributed infrastructure and networks, although there is a large concentration of speculation, powers and infrastructure around cryptototxanins. Elon Muskiz comes from the power conferred by the concentration of infrastructure. It shows the power of an infrastructure that can exceed all limits, beyond peoples, in space and in the hands of a single private entity. We're in time of urgency, and everything is welcome, but see how interesting the ability of these technologies and infrastructures to trigger is.