The Catalan Countries: the three progressive governments, the entertainers of the linguistic immersion system
Vicent Partal @vpartal Vilaweb 2022ko martxoaren 03a

The situation is as unusual as it is insulting. In the Balearic Parliament, an education law is being debated which will be the first in the history of this Community and which must be adopted by 22 February this month. In the language section, it is the first surprise: Jaume Matas is based on that controversial decree of minimums approved by the president of the government of the PP at that time. Consequently, in the school hours Catalan and Spanish will have 50% of hours, distributed in half. It leaves a slice open so that if any fighting cloister wants to increase the hours of Catalan he can do so. In this way, the Progressive Government of the Islands, in which the nationalists Més per Mallorca are part, will give legal character to the measure that the PP invented against the Catalan immersion system.

And what about the Valencian Community? During this course, the linguistic measures included in Law 4/2018, known as the “Law of Linguistic Diversity”, have entered into force in secondary school, which has led to the decline of Catalan teaching in schools and institutes. In particular, the Multilingual Educational Program has forced the schools that worked in Catalan to go to work also in Spanish, because they have forced it, as the PP and the Ombudsman wanted, and in the schools that spoke Catalan, 40% is now in Spanish. And, as in the Balearic Islands, a progressive government has done what the PP failed to do, in which the Compromis party participates, and the Department of Education it is in charge of.

"They will tell us the picture we have, if the three autonomous governments that are considered progressive and nationalist, all three, allow anti-immersion policies designed by the PP"

And all of this is not enough, and also in the Principality the progressive and independentist government formed by ERC and Junts has announced that it is drafting a new educational plan. A new plan, which is presented as a reaction to the 25% tax imposed by Spain, but which in practice will lead to the death of the immersion system prescribed by the judiciary.

The situation is therefore catastrophic. Not only from the linguistic point of view, but also from the political point of view. They will tell us what the picture we have, if the three autonomous governments that are considered progressive and nationalist, the three, allow anti-immersion policies designed by the PP. What is the point, therefore, of voting?

So much consensus needs explanations. And in this case we have to talk about fear, the pressure exerted by the Spanish institutions is enormous and without any embarrassment they carry out animated campaigns to achieve the adhesion of the citizens. But, in addition to this reason, I think it should also be said that a sector of teachers has resigned. And we should also place particular emphasis on the fact that a whole generation of young nationalists have just tasted power, feel comfortable in the seats of power and forget what they defended a few years ago. And we should also talk about their political incapacity and the terrible mistakes of beginners. It must also be said that many nationalists and independentists have failed in recent years in contempt of the central place of Catalan in the formation of our nation. It is therefore urgent to eliminate, denounce, fight these interested “theorizations” and to make them rectify. This is probably a priority work.