Consequences of the beijing games
  • During the construction of the Olympic village for the Beijing winter games, a great deposit emerged from the Jin Dynasty.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2022ko martxoaren 03a
(Argazkia: IACRHP)
(Argazkia: IACRHP)

The Beijing games this winter have contributed, among other things, to the ecological damage caused by the organization of the winter games in an area without snow or ice.

However, the construction works of the facilities have had a positive effect on archaeology and history: Imposing palace of the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234). The first clues found in 2017, during the construction of the Olympic villa, make the site have a current area of 140,000 square meters. There have been 72 buildings and a lot of sculptures made in jade, bronze and other materials.