The Beijing games this winter have contributed, among other things, to the ecological damage caused by the organization of the winter games in an area without snow or ice.
However, the construction works of the facilities have had a positive effect on archaeology and history: Imposing palace of the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234). The first clues found in 2017, during the construction of the Olympic villa, make the site have a current area of 140,000 square meters. There have been 72 buildings and a lot of sculptures made in jade, bronze and other materials.
Iñigo Llopis igerilari donostiarrak hiru domina irabazi ditu Munduko Txapelketan eta 2021eko Tokio Paralinpiar Jokoetatik zilarra ekarri zuen etxera. Konporta Kirol Elkartean aritu ondoren, Basque Team klubean dabil gaur egun, “Gipuzkoan maila handia dago”... [+]
Txinako Gobernuak egindako “genozidioa eta gizateriaren aurkako krimenak” salatzeko, ez dute ordezkari diplomatikorik bidaliko neguko jokoetara, baina atletek joan ahal izango dute. Txinak irmo erantzun du: “AEBek ordaindu egingo dute boikotagatik”.