We're in Sanfran, it's a neighborhood scene where street noise predominates. The lead actor speaks very quickly, now from the microphone, now without a microphone. Rosa Teresa speaks to us, sometimes from her childhood, sometimes from her maturity. She plays the violin, she wanted it from a young age, and her uncle will give her classes. This is how theatrical representation has begun, with the help of the piano, with the music of the violin. The first scene, the second, the third -- they've been announced with their titles. For the fourth one, I've stopped pointing. It's been hard for me to get in. There's too much information about tablement: noise, notes, dates, letters, voices -- it's overcome me. Pay attention to Iñi. Then I learned that I was not the only one, friends have also been very expensive at the beginning.
Play 'Tarara'
Colectivo Hika
WHEN: 10 February
WHERE:Teatro Principal (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
One day Jazmin starts singing. Tara bai, tara ez. Kepa Errasti's role is fresh air, a demonstration of what he knows how to do well. In the song he wears Sanfran's travesti, a suit between the baker and the elegant: Everyone tells me the black, the weeping… The atxabaltakua is talking about Azkoitia, and after the session we have been thinking about what accent it would make in its original version. Does the civil guard ask you to sing to Havana? Boxes of translators.
As the show progresses, the ends of the piece are freed from one by one: the mother-daughter relationship, a night fire in San Juan, Uncle Cristobal, an event and the violinist with the appearances of Schubert, Bachnet and Tchaikovsky. How will you believe the truth of a child with a lot of imagination? All women suffer from it. The father does not appear anywhere, but is very present. The starvation scenes we've seen under the metal roses have been sorted out. A woman sometimes has to do what she has to do. Klak, the mystery is solved.
But what the hell is Tarara? Tarara is a popular song, a kind of song. Three bemol-filled syllables and ta-ra support. Tarara is Jazmin, or Manuel. Sanfran prostitute, travesti, paddle. Tarara is a friend of Rosa. A mother. Voracious Tarara is a story of harassment. A history of complicity and complicity.
Nork: Josu Iriarte, Nerea Lizarralde, Jare Torralba eta Amets Larralde. Mikel Martinezek zuzenduta eta Jokin Oregiren testuetatik abiatuta.
Noiz: otsailaren 21ean.
Non: Bilboko 7katu... [+]
Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.
Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da.
Actors: Justin Garfield and Jon Plazaola...
WHEN: January 26th.
IN WHICH: The New Culture Center. In the square.
The couple Margaret (Aitziber Garmendia) and George (Jon Plazaola) leave Idaho to guard the border between... [+]
Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea... [+]
Basabürüako ibar eskuineko gazteek lehen maskarada arrakastatsua eman dute igandean, Lakarrin.
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting... [+]
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting from... [+]