Variable geometry
Aingeru Epaltza @AEpaltza 2022ko otsailaren 22a

Variable geometry. A way of navigating the sea of policy on permanent fishing. Today with this, tomorrow with this and past with this. Lack of fidelity and promiscuous character. Like a skilled binder, it needs a good eye and low-level principles promote performance. In this profession, we have had the PNV as a teacher. In a position to burn your pastries, at any time, in any way, always ready to fix it with anyone. Quality or affection? Who, when, how.

So well known are the zigzag of the jelkides, what escapes now with the PSOE of Sanchez? He was not going to take the job reform with his regular comrades in recent years, at least not in what he and Brussels wanted. The Prestidigger finds new friends in his joke. The agreement with Citizens has not brought long strings. The area of Arrimadas is considered a dead body. Acting with UPN causes an earthquake.

"In Navarre, more than one person has had a cold sweating the simple knowledge that the leader of UPN has put himself on the same table with the PSOE of Madrid"

The flourishing approval of the reform takes the form of a circus. On the other hand, the betrayal of the two Members of the Visibilist Party in Madrid, and the crisis that this has caused within the UPN. In Sayas and Adanero we have made Iji and Aja. Laughter and rough, on the back of Javier Esparza. The algares have shown themselves to be higher when opening up the cheap that the Socialists have bought at UPN. In view of the importance of the vote in the Cortes de Madrid for Sanchez, the agreed price seems similar to the mid-night cough of the goat.

However, the case. Beyond the contents, more than one in Navarre has had a cold sweating for the mere knowledge that the leader of UPN has put himself on the same table with the PSOE of Madrid.

The continuing agreement between the Navarros and the Socialists has shaped the political history of the Foral Community over the last 40 years. The point of departure and the point of arrival of this understanding was to leave out the influence of the Navarre institutions. This exclusionary line has only been suspended by two Governments: Those of socialist Otano, in 1995-96, with CDN and EA, sponsored by IU, and those of MarĂ­a Chivite, since 2019, with Geroa Bai and Podemos, supported by Bildu. Prior to the latter, Uxue Barkos became president when the 2015 election results left the PSN without decisive force.

I could not say that this socialist mandate is leaving the fellow nationalists delighted, especially in the linguistic field. But there is no doubt that it would be worse to return the agreements between the UPN and the PSN, even in linguistic matters. Perhaps we should thank Esparza and others. These days we have been reminded that this possibility has never disappeared. If it serves us to put batteries, half a disease. Let's see if another handful of political geometry doesn't bring us back to limbo.