Principal and evolution of money
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko otsailaren 14a

In recent weeks, older people have denounced that digitalisation has reduced the possibility of physically disposing of their money as banks withdraw ATMs. They want to go back to the possibility of getting money physically. At the time when the owners began to bring money to the banks, the banks seemed to be forever, they looked like institutions built with beautiful marbles and woods that remained there forever, the relationship seemed clear. At present, however, the physical care resources of banks have been gradually decreasing as digitalisation progresses. At first it was a reduction in hours, then a reduction in people, and we have finally seen the ATMs and branches of our peoples disappear gradually. However, there are people who do not see the need to adapt to the paths of the digital realm, or do not see the possibility of adapting to it, or, even if they understand change, do not want to promote it. Many of those heads who helped to set up institutions are those who are calling for minimum standards to be maintained. They seem to be serving them. But I believe that, because of the conduct I see every day, the disappearance of money is irreversible.

Some bosses don't want to adapt to changes in ways of using money and new banking business models, but the other difference is that most of us have adapted. Perhaps seduced by the brilliance of the positive aspects, we have not thought too much about what is going on.

Throughout history, money has been changing: salt, cocoa, gold, paper... But not only in form, but they have changed the ways of understanding money itself, in many cases it has gone from being medium to objective. We're looking at how physics has been disappearing in the last few decades: payment apps, cards, online payment gateways... and now crypto coins. In short, data is the way money is today. It is not very clear to me what the impact of this change will be on our lives, that money will become a definitive figure.