David Moore in the shadow of his royal wedding
  • Liverpool, United Kingdom, 28 July 1981. David Moore, a 23-year-old, sailed on the streets of the Toxteth neighborhood, staying with his friends. The Falkner Square area was on fire and the Protestant police were trying to disperse it. But there were few people watching Toxteth fights ...
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2022ko otsailaren 18a
Liverpooleko Toxteth auzoko liskarrak eta Karlos Galesko printzearen eta Diana Espencerren ezkontza, biak 1981eko uztailean. (argazkia: Liverpool echo / Jayne Fincher)

That night, 250 kilometers later, other bonfires were lit in the London sky. The following day Prince Charles of Wales and Diana Spencer were married and a fireworks show was organized between the celebrations. About half a million people met in Hyde Park to see the fires.

For Margaret Thatcher's cabinet it was an excellent distraction, as it served, for at least a while, to turn off the fronts that had the wedding bricks open. In Ireland, the situation of hunger strikers in the IRA was serious. On the same day 28, Gerry Adams met with the relatives of the strikers to avoid further deaths. Thatcher's response: the only person responsible for the deaths was the IRA itself.

In addition, the United Kingdom was in a serious industrial crisis. Unemployment and poverty data were particularly serious in the Merseyside region, in the city of Liverpool and, above all, in the Toxteth district. It is no wonder that since the beginning of July the incidents have invaded the streets of the neighborhood. Thatcher's response: police repression.

David Moore had a disability, he was a lame. When the Land Roverra Falkner Sque entered the police, he was unable to escape. As soon as Moore hit Moore, the ambulance arrived, but in the middle of the scandal it was difficult to get to the hospital. Ambulance driver David Sullivan later said that “we tried to take him to the hospital as soon as possible, but we didn’t.” David died on Moore's road.

The next day, over 600,000 people gathered on the streets of London to follow the wedding closely. On television, around the world, 750 million people attended the event live.

After 40 years, millions of people continue to look at Buckingham. The Crown series, which narrates the adventures of the British royal family, is one of the most successful in recent years, and actor Kristen Stewart has just been nominated for the Oscar for his role as Diana in Spencer (Pablo Larrain, 2021). But nobody remembers David Moore.