Technological decolonization
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko otsailaren 03a

A long time ago, a Mexican friend told me about decolonization. Power is the dynamic that occurs through complex relationships, which in Mexico began to change since the time of colonization, to the detriment of indigenous and preexisting cultures.

Are we indigenous at the time of digitization? Are we the ones who do not think or create technologies and knowledge? Is it possible that you are facing a similar event? This is what organizations like Digital Freedom Found do. That the technologies we have collect certain ways of understanding the world and that they are a way of homogenizing the world, to the detriment of those who have not participated in that “doing”.

In the face of this situation, there have been many movements around decolonization, and they say that technology must also work on the issue. Work is under way to analyze what should be the decolonization of technologies and knowledge and to incorporate new perspectives in the development of technology and knowledge. One of them is Wikipedia, for example. Wikipediak Whose Knowledge? launched the project in 2016. The objective is to increase the presence of women on Wikipedia, to promote the presence of different languages, to review the ways of structuring data, etc.

This is a really interesting topic, are you going to get the projects that are working on decolonization to have a profound impact on technologies until you develop different ways of understanding the digital realm? How far is it not going to turn the way of making traditional strategies disguised to the cultures of different peoples for more? In our case, we have a very interesting topic, the presence of Euskera in the digital sphere. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to increase the presence of minority languages in the digital sphere. But can the mere presence of language influence how to understand the digital realm? The decolonization of technologies is a journey full of questions.