We prefer war booths.
  • On the battlefields of the past they represent great and powerful horses in paintings and movies. But researchers at Exeter University have come to the conclusion that the horses they used in war in England were the size of the present pons.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2022ko urtarrilaren 27a
(Argazkia: UK National Army Museum)

The remains of 2,000 horses were analyzed between the 4th and 17th centuries and the largest in the Norman era (XI). And the 12th century -- it barely had a meter and a half height.

The researchers believe that it can be the result of a selection sought for this purpose, since although high and fast horses provide an advantage in face-to-face struggle, they preferred more compact and resistant horses capable of travelling long distances.