Against our generation
Ruben Sánchez Bakaikoa @arlotea 2022ko urtarrilaren 19a

If in Vitoria our generation was matched by something, it was a mismatch. The tribe he belonged to was indifferent, (almost) we were all alcoholics or other drug addicts. Pijos de Cercas Bajasen, Alternative Zapanes, Traditional Sumps and fights, heavys in the area of Santo Domingo and Zapa, marihuanas in Parnaso, machineries in Calle Interior, Spanish Pop in Pinton and Nueva Calle, chiefs in Aldapa and in San Prudencio...

Ours is the generation that now has a cane of command, perhaps due to amnesia, after so many righteous men. Because we are the generation in which we have lived the longest “youth” in history, which neither the former nor the descendants will be able to match. We started with about thirteen years and extended it for twenty years:

To us, those of us who knew the bars in order to spend the night and until dawn, (the boys) those who urinated on the street or on a portal and threw the veal, to the back of the house those who took and typed the copies of the newspapers, those who were breaking the street furniture and the bottles. Or what we saw normally.

First we had to get out of the whirlwind of nights. For example, you become a parent. So, many (especially boys) start in the field of the race, as before with drugs, to flee now from the new daily routine.

And when we eat the crew we once do, we sit around the table, we remove the kiss and we start from the snack to the last cube, we start to say that the young people of today are selfish and that until the juerga ends there is nothing to say against COVID-19. It doesn't matter if we're in the temperament of a bar and the young people are bottled in the plaza or on the mountain. Then, we have brought to the hinges bullying hater-“bands”-cine-rave-botilo-smartphone... The inventions of today's young people!

The phrases that start “today’s young people,” like the ones that start “the people,” magically pull us out of the “us” equation. People as if they were all but us, and young people today, instead of growing up in our homes, as if they had brought them from Mars: perhaps in the family (or, family!) Because internal communication has always been hypocrisy and incommunication.

In the concert of La Polla, in society, in the cubateo we are ex-left ever closer to the right-wing liberals. The guava copies of our parents, super protectors of our children and enemies of the young.

We did the overnight stays of Christ and the next day we are this old newspaper.