Broken Brothers: "Late, but before."
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2022ko urtarrilaren 19a
Katebegia | Broken Brothers Brass Band | Autoekoizpena, 2021

Broken Brothers Brass Band: It has been the epicenter and soundtrack of the most important cultural movements of the Region of Pamplona in recent years. Experts in anti-marketing strategies, who published with Ibil Bedi Orain bat gara, a successful and beautiful version, have published the following day ten songs of advancement of the album on Youtube, the day of Urtezahar. 1 January, the last two.

They say they are “late, but yet ahead.” And it's that a year and a half ago they recorded the disc and they had it prepared in the freezer, waiting for the worst time to say goodbye. The Forales call to dance until they arrive. Joxe Ripiau said “here there is no bed missing, here nobody goes to sleep” and those from Broken “home no, home no!”. In the song Kaletarrak they propose a new version of one of the jumps of Iruincoco.

It is known that from the New Orleans style they are blackening the Pamplona Basin. They add to the flow of Arga, with its letters, its molds and a permanent dialogue with the community. It's a jazz record for those who ask. But on the street. And especially from Pamplona. The message also has lights: “In our neighborhood little Gucci but too much North Face.”

“Goodbye is not going to be accepted for today,” Broken Sisters opened with Aresti’s words, using harmony as a weapon. Despite the open conversation with Aresti, “San Simón y Ron Brugal, last night and the morning has arrived” says Joan gaua eta Badut mailu kantutzarrak. Let us also say a magnificent tribute to anarchist Louise Michel, in 1871; from the Paris Commune to today, all the workers dance.

In addition, this album features an amazing street story: The album has the collaboration of Chill Kiliki Frexko, FlakoFonki and Ben Yart de la Mafia, together with Joseba Tapia. The followers of the youth think “in the end they have collaborated” (you know, as handsome as Solano, legends like Tapia). But, as we have said, the album was recorded a year and a half ago, and those of the Mafia Chill met them in January last year outside the County of Pamplona. I mean, the song they had recorded for when we knew it!

The tradition of black music is taking root in the Region of Pamplona, with a balance of associations and agents. In the line of the Black Atlantic, the strategy is clear. The claim is "we're going to do it on the street," the code is "the link."