What we project in the digital arena
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko urtarrilaren 12a

Last year, at the Durango Azoka Cabin, I learned a new word: NFT (non fungible token). That is, a process that allows adding value to digital creations with the technology associated with the world of crypto coins. One feature of cryptocurrency in the form of bitcoin is that they're based on a distributed public system. An analogy of this public system would be the main book commonly used in accounting, in which any movement of a company is recorded. The NFTa would be the record of a digital creation in this main book, the way to collect who owns that creation. The idea is to repeat what has been done historically in the art world: in the physical realm, in general, works of art are unique and cannot be repeated, and around their property there is a market. The NFT is also looking for it, but one of the most interesting features is completely reverse: it allows you to repeat the same thing. For many, this is a mere speculation about property, towards the creation of new business models.

I don't know where the idea of the NFT will come from, but how hard it is for us to think about new models. Particularly in the area of creation, since the value of the creative work is often difficult, of course, in the digital environment in which repetitive rarity occurs. In short, these kinds of ideas are efforts to integrate demand supply into the logic of the market as an activity related to digital generation. Existing models are projected at all times in the digital arena.

However, as has never been seen before, the ways of creating in the digital realm are changing, the possibilities of repetition and of rhythmically sharing bring together creative communities around different themes. Therefore, the medium itself offers possibilities of thinking, experimenting and doing around our dynamics of always, we do not have to follow the path of always to create value, there is possibility of projecting other forms.