Territory and architecture
Annual harvest
Ula Iruretagoiena 2021eko abenduaren 24a

What a journalist would think at the time of writing the last article of the year. Perhaps take a look at the year, together with a list of the best crop that has passed the year, as a summary. This is how you do it with books, cinema, records. I have always seen an American and competitive tone in the elaboration of the “best lists”, and behind you can smell a violent exercise of power, turning the journalist into influencer. Who am I to value the work of other professionals, to group myself between good and bad. But in retrospect, I can be interested in the exercise, because the symbolic time of a year has enough expressiveness to make us see where we are.

In the field of architecture, awards and blog posts account for what is happening, as well as a lap from the Durango Fair. In the face of the selection of others, several intellectual lines can be observed.

Territorially, the importance of food and the recovery of the cultivation of local orchards continues in the top ten. There is talk of the quality of life meter that gives a city the production of good bread. Pandemia demands the recovery of the neighborhood scale, walking and maintaining the need to find in the neighborhood the basic actions of life in about 15 minutes. As far as the transformation of cities is concerned, this year’s motto has been to seek to repair what is there before it is demolished. But the idea of leaving the city and living in the dwellings is still growing, after the Basque Government opened the door to building more houses in the dwellings.

Along with renewable energies, the traditional logic of cross ventilation stands out. But the main driver of construction this year has been the shortage of raw materials worldwide, which has led to a sharp increase in construction prices. If the revitalization of local materials and techniques is to come, if we can call for a boom in constructive crafts, today the sector is not prepared. A lot of work at home looking next year!