Artisanal rash
Marta Sendiu Zulaika @martasendiu 2021eko abenduaren 25a
Argazkia: Ania Rio Taracido

The volcano of La Palma erupted and since then it has not stopped with fire. Before the eruption of Irla, the self-managed space Sumendi de Vitoria was exploited and with it the cultural rebirth of the Judimensiondi neighborhood. Four years have passed since birth, while they have held workshops, Scape Room, concerts, meals, chocolates and all kinds of activities, these days they have organized the Artiston fair.

Artists Fair
When: 18 and 19 December and 2 January
Where: Sumendi de Vitoria

Faced with the savage consumption of Christmas, they wanted to accommodate another model of consumption that is more conscious and closer. The premises of Benito Guinea Street will meet on December 18 and 19 and January 2 to various creators, with a wide and unique offer.

The aim of the fair is to offer an alternative to the main model of consumption, always with a wide range of artistic possibilities. That is why this year they have had and will have all kinds of positions at the fair.

Attendees have had the opportunity to purchase the fashionable Tote Bags, along with soaps, oils and creams of natural products. There could be no lack of necklaces and bracelets made with a thousand colored macrames knots, nor the ceramic earrings.

Photo: Ania Rio Taracido

Lu is one of the craftsmen who have met in Sumendi and who have approached from anywhere in Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Basque Country. Creator alias Stamping. His position was composed of illustrated notebooks, calendars and postcards, as well as Tote Bag. Ania Saenz de Buruaga also had her site, she is an illustrator and expert in marketing, author of paintings and posters centered on women. Next to him, artist Saul Vara, creative artist through black and white photographs and portraying basic elements of everyday life. Through the use of photographs it produces various materials such as magnets or paintings.

Coinciding with the December trade show, the neighbours of Judimensiondi will welcome the new year to the January trade show. It will reopen to the Sumendi district with the V edition, so that the space created by the neighbours will continue to be flooded with lava.