Laura Penagos Rodríguez 2021eko abenduaren 23a

I fall on the historical cliffs: loss of humanity, stables, auctions, violations, torture, kidnappings, dead, disappeared, mud poured into the open eyes of the elderly, destroyed fullness, home, denial of one's own culture, misery, hunger, spirits in anger, gold, sugar, weapons of fire, the birth of imperious, oil, beheading, etc. I have asked the head, the demographic system, the disaster, the disaster, which has exploded: “Who cares about all this?”

Those who died were not from here, it was not the blood from here, it was not the culture from here, if not, surely it would be another. How many boys and men left Euskal Herria not to survive or live better, but to enrich themselves? This ambitious project obsessed them, and their trajectory was not as it is here in the Basque Country. Who can believe? Today someone will say that all this has to be overcome, that the centuries have passed, and it would be good to say if reality were different.

"A College of Secondary Education was called Pedro Ursua. Who was Pedro Ursua? In a cultural center there is a tomb of Andrés Madariaga Amatiano. Who was Andrés Madariaga Amatiano? Who was Lope Agirre? Etc."

Recently, a College of Secondary Education was called Pedro Ursua. Who was Pedro Ursua? In a cultural center there is a tomb of Andrés Madariaga Amatiano. Who was Andrés Madariaga Amatiano? Who was Lope Agirre? Etc.
Is colonization not a way of legitimizing exploitation and genocide? Isn't this the way to legitimize crime and injustice? What has been done in all these centuries of dependency? How do you create a new existence? How do we free our thought, our body from the earth? How do we mobilize collective consciousness while we're here? Is it possible to stop feeling oppression? How many centuries of prejudice do we have to overcome?

We are a village of losers, a crushed village. Slavery stopped and divided our history, stopped the clock. We were in ourselves, in our conception of the world, developing our culture, writing our history, and another global economic system broke us, dismantled us and turned us into merchants.

We already know, it will be repeated. Has that day come? It repeats itself, chaos and order govern. There will come a time when we will not be able to name ourselves, its name will slowly be erased from our memory and then it will disappear completely. Does it imply the dominance of human development? Do we have to destroy something to live?