Explosives to the fully managed world
Ibai Atutxa Ordeñana 2021eko abenduaren 22a
Sortaldekoak | Hedoi Etxarte | Susa, 2021.
Sortaldekoak | Hedoi Etxarte | Susa, 2021.

How to flee the ways in which hospitals manage the deaths of each other and how stability manages love. How, from the fields and streets managed by the church and the right; and from the individual business administration. How, for the police and from the privatized streets run by the police, and how they manage us violently in the savings banks and in the schools. In short, how to flee the fully managed world and its violence.

There are certainly other questions, but Sortaldekoa’s book of poems, edited by Hedoi Etxarte for the third time with Susa, can force you to ask that question. Well, the first poem will already be launched in search of the answer. To do this, the book will put you in the bag of memories and make you escape.

The collection of poems, therefore, can force him to ask, as well as other cultural objects that have been created with it. The sky and fire and the audiovisual Usozaleak dialogue with the book, available on paper and online. In the videos the sounds and images work to overcome the discursive character of the text, giving way to the non-narrative dimension of the memories. The rhetoric that overcomes the linear logic of a narrative and the poetics that silences speak is what is attributed to memories along the pages and clips.

Thus, the memories of poems can be read as if they overflow the rules of the fully managed world. The individual is collective, order is chaos, banks and cemeteries are to fight, parties are unlimited strikes, goods do not respond to the value of change and the body receives desires. At the heart of all this is Merced Street, the cradle of the silent and the cruise of the oppressed.

So, the memories of the book of poems could make it explosive. It may perhaps be possible for them to prevent the balance of the logics of the fundamentals of this fully managed world. If they're explosives, they can explode.