Aritz Galarraga @aritzgalarraga 2021eko abenduaren 21a

Torino is not Rome, Rome is not Torino, but as Natalia Ginzburg would not go back to children's age Pier Paolo Pasolini, young man. He told everyone that Rome was the most beautiful city in the world whenever he could. Of the cities he knew, he was the one he wanted to live: what’s more, when he wrote the article that collected them, in 1957, he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The biggest nightmare would be to leave Rome and return to northern Italy. Why is Rome such a beautiful city? What makes a city beautiful and therefore attractive, another one dividing, rejectable? That of Rome would be a strange beauty, a beautiful beauty, which would also include blindness. Because, aren't beauty related to blindness? Not many of the most beautiful places, only the most unsuspected places. Pasolini: Would Rome be the most beautiful city in the world if it were not at the same time the world’s ugliest city?

On January 28, 1950, Pasolini arrived in Rome with his mother, leaving his father asleep in the Casarsan of Friuli. He lives in a suburb of the periphery, Ponte Mammolo, a house next to the Rebibbia Prison without a roof. But there you will know the people of the suburbs, their language, their culture, their violent vitality, which will then be the raw material. There and in the loves of the edge of Tiber. He first released them in his novel Ragazzi di vita (1955). Little by little it will take its place in the intellectual and artistic life of Rome, it begins to make films Piazza Navona, Piazza del Popolo, Campo de’ Fiori: Accatone (1961), Mamma Roma (1962), La ricotta (1963), form the Roman trilogy of Pasolini. In all these novels, films, works we can find the incurable evil of Rome and the angelic goodness of Rome, all in a single soul, in that unique soul that is Rome.