Growth is also political
Ane Ablanedo Larrion 2021eko abenduaren 24a

If we want to combat oppression, it is not enough to identify, denounce and oppose the tyrant authorities, as history has consistently shown us. It is necessary to pay attention to a mass that so easily accepts the power of these authorities, because it is in the character of the subordinates, as La Boetie warned us, one of the most important factors in understanding oppression.

Wilhelm Reich saw the need to investigate the phenomenon of oppression also from a psychological perspective, and contributed decisively to social and political psychology in the 1930s of the last century, when he wrote the book Psychology of the Mass of Fascism. In it he tried to show that one of the main keys to Hitler's triumph was in people's psychology, giving revolutionaries an important lesson that we have not yet used correctly: the radical manipulation of people's psychology is one of the most powerful weapons of (authoritarian) power, which is to carve the mind of the mass according to specific interests.

"You have to create a structural emotional dependency on a person. And for that, in the early years of life, we usually use a fine engineering of growth that we offer to children."

All societies try to create in future generations the psychological profile necessary to promote this model of society. And because the psychological configuration of the adult is based on childhood, education is the most effective tool that a system uses: a design of the ideal person is made that determines the psychological characteristics that must be incorporated or extracted in a child.

In a society like ours, the main goal is that we are not able to live freely, because those who are not able to live as their own authority will necessarily need the leadership of another person, and this is especially convenient. The Education Directive has been developed for this purpose, losing confidence in ourselves and failing to live in accordance with our principles, so that we can learn to live in accordance with other interests and get used to it. That is the core of the hidden curriculum of
escuela.Esta education is not, of course, an activity that can be carried out without causing harm to children. If they are healthy, and they have enough strength to do so, they will always put a resistance against which a different level of violence will be imposed (and justified). Instructive education implicitly carries an amount of violence.

However, to avoid psychological sovereignty, it is necessary to create a structural emotional dependence on a person. And for that, in the early years of life, we tend to use a fine engineering of growth that we offer to children, much more effective than school education. Not letting a child decide when to breastfeed, when he or she wants to arm, or when he or she will be removed from the diaper is a common, but standardized pediatric practice that is not as neutral or harmless as it is believed. To atrophy our intrinsic ability to freely manage our reality has as a consequence the sowing of dependency in our own biology, which is not up to us to make decisions on important issues, learning from the very beginning.
Education is an activity in the field of policy, but more so in terms of growth. Because through it we will be able to install an interested lifestyle according to the societal regulation, or self-regulation (and self-government), which is the basis of freedom. Faced with indoctrination, we must have an impact on education and on the changes needed to make people psychologically strong (and free).