The accounts of the future
Mikel Gomez 2021eko abenduaren 24a

In a country in which there is so much talk about the story of the past, I think it is so important to talk about the possible accounts of the future, that is, of the possible societies that may exist in the coming years and decades. Because, after all, the stories not only shape the future, but also the present. In this sense, social changes are only analyzed and represented from the political dimension, but I also believe that any social transformation must have an impact on the collective emotions of society. In this regard, as the issue of the ecological crisis is spreading, at least in my broad environment, I find the presence of future catastrophies worrying, precisely because collective desperation is not compatible with liberating social transformations.

"We are wrong if we think that the ecological transition is a spontaneous process: the ecological transition will be fair or not"

That being the case, despite the fact that a Basque official described it as ‘historic’, we have to acknowledge that the Glasgow summit has been disappointing (this is a comment that could in fact explode with laughter, if not through the mouth of the Environment, Sustainability and Economy Advisor). Once again, what we knew is that we cannot leave the letter of Salvation in the hands of the supposed goodness of the elites. There is nothing else to do with the rise in the price of electricity, although the price of gas also has a lot to do with it.

We have been making ostrich for decades, running away from the scientific evidence that is now on everyone’s lips, but it is undeniable that we are facing enormous problems (and challenges): we are experiencing the clash between global capitalism and the physical borders – energy crisis and shortage of materials – and biological – climate change and loss of biodiversity – of planet Earth. A more visible collision in the coming years and decades. A complex, polyhedral and complex process that cannot be summed up with a pair of headers.

In any case, the future will depend to a large extent on what we still do or do not. We must understand that for the better and for the worse there is not the only possible climate change. Although we exceeded the red lines imposed by scientists (and personally, seeing the situation, I do not know if it makes sense to continue not to overcome the barrier of 1.5 degrees rise from pre-industrial time), it cannot be given up, the global temperature would continue to rise.

We are wrong if we think that the ecological transition is a process that is going to happen in itself: the ecological transition will be fair or not. Therefore, the most hopeful novelty we can have is the attempt to articulate and innovate the Basque environmentalism, with a social perspective, which is being carried out by people from different sectors.