Principles of digitisation of education
  • When we talk about the digitalization of education, people on the street understand two different things: on the one hand, a process similar to the digitalization of companies, in which the processes of relationship between people and information are digitized to search for efficiency in the development of systems. On the other hand, we understand that the digital skills of students will be developed.
Diana Franco Eguren 2021eko abenduaren 14a

At first reading it seems that the things that have been said are beneficial, but that is not the case. The systems and infrastructures for the digitization of education are not developed by the Basque Government, which makes the privacy and future of our students more vulnerable to the effects of the business models of large corporations. On the other hand, we need to think better for what, when and how digital competition. Students will learn more and more easily to be users, as interfaces become more intuitive. But it is still not so clear whether the office, the learning systems analitycs and their use will be useful to achieve good development, writing ability, comprehension ability, abstraction, memory, critical thinking…

On December 10, 2021, the Librezale Group on Education dedicated to these topics was invited to the Basque Parliament. Professor Iñigo Gebara explained the principles that Basque education law should have in relation to digitalization: A digitalisation that guarantees privacy and data protection; a digitalisation that promotes broad and complete digital competence; a digitalisation centered on the Basque language; ecologically sustainable; and that guarantees the well-being and quality of life of students.

Given the ability of digitization to transform societies, the education law should talk about digitization. Consideration of the aforementioned principles would lay the foundations for a responsible, independent and sustainable Basque digitalization, in the words of the Free Education group.