Pornography not governed
BeƱat Muguruza Aseginolaza @Benatmug 2021eko abenduaren 15a

Some mock people who give money to non-governmental organisations (NGOs). On the other hand, it is not elegant to extend to the four winds that set aside a small portion of your charitable wage, so an easy position is not defended. Well, I'm going to cheer: I think, naive, that gesture serves something. The fact is that a couple of years ago I left an NGO and I was called again this week to thank them for the help that I had then given and which please need my help again.

I was convinced that he was going to appear innocent before that worker, but when he started talking to me about the situation in Africa I don't know which country, my heart became sore and I almost stopped. I thought that getting the information as I wasn't going to be able to move, because whoever wants to know has it there, it's available, wherever I want... But yes, I almost said the step.

"Perhaps there would be an abolitionist movement, and others would wager on regulating pornography, guaranteeing the decent conditions of the workers, and, to realize it, enemies of each other."

I related that thought to what happened a few weeks before. In the language academy, I got to talk about pornography. I got the alarmist, almost apocalyptic oral exercise, I admit, but the report that Save the Children (no, it wasn't my NGO) released last year struck me a little bit. A 40-year-old classmate stuck with me and I accepted it with sportsmanship. However, the argument used surprised me: the ease with which we criticize pornography in a society where sex remains a taboo, but hear, that sex education is important for young people. I mean, it seemed to me that I thought of myself as a carcava, no more. He probably wasn't entirely wrong. But I thought of myself, and perhaps I was wrong, that that woman in good faith wasn't particularly aware of what mainstream pornography is today. Mainstream, that is, intended for heteroid men.

So, either because some of us are semiduos, or because others don't know, pornography is still the primary sex education agent of young people, and -- Sorry, I had to start again with my catastrophist midwife.

Because, of course, if you knew, I know what I know, you would create an abolitionist movement, and others would bet on regulating pornography, guaranteeing the decent conditions of the workers, and, to realize that, they would become the main enemy. And I point out, allies and so on, once again, privileged witnesses to the debate, that we only lack popcorn.