Are we ready?
Itxaro Borda 2021eko azaroaren 25a

We cannot say that we are not aware of the COP 26 summit in Glasgow: the Basque journalists were there and shared with us the measure of the tension that has been noted in it. Thank you. But the giant chanted mass cannot deny that it has been like a burial, especially for countries already suffering the consequences of climate change, from the Artica banquisa to the islands of Tuvalu. When it comes to defining this century, the existing independent temperatures will therefore increase to at least two grados.Los 200 states that have signed the last report have not taken many steps, because they do not intend to take the citizen out of their comfortable consumer: if you talk of drastically reducing the use of the car, you hear the people as well as the French gilets two years ago.
What we are seeing is that the great Bernard Charbonneau was convinced that in this field the interests of ordinary people and neo-capitalists would converge.

The question is: Are we prepared to give up this post-industrial life that is being cultivated with oil, rare earth and nuclear power?