Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“Those who once made me bullying now are my fanes”

  • Itziar Castro (Barcelona, 1977) is an actress, singer, director and writer. Although several have known him for his performance in the Vis a vis series, his career in theatre, television, cinema, music and cabaret is long. Ranked in the Goya Awards for the best new actress by Champions and Skins.
"Ezinbertzekoa da askotarikotasuna ikustaraztea. Gure ingurura begiratzen badugu denok gara desberdinak. Pertsonak, animaliak, natura... Naturalena da desberdin izatea". (Argazkia: Sentido Fotografía)

He has denounced that he was bullying when he was young.
Yes, I got bullying even though I was the leader. I was a representative of the school, for example, it seems like a contradiction, but that's right. It was hard for me. Because the attack didn't do just one child, but more than one. And that makes it harder. Well, today what matters is that those who once made me bullying are my targets, I've learned that pain can be transformed into growth.

What has been the key to moving from victim to survivor?
Protection of my mother. He's always been there and he's taught me that, although they made me feel different, I was able to get what I wanted to do with the sustainability of work. And as the years have passed, I have met my challenges. This has also placed pain in the background.

It has sold to overcome in various ways the pressure of women who do not comply with heteronormatic standards. Naked among others the beauty of your body.
Sure, I've always felt happy with my body: naked my body because I love it. I am Nudist and I am not ashamed. And also, along this road, I've met with many wonderful artists who have wanted to turn my body into art. The truth is that it has made me feel nicknamed.

To what extent is it important to make diversity visible?
It's force majeure. Because if you look at our environment, we're all different. People, animals, nature -- the natural thing is to be different. What happens is that in recent decades, above all, we have felt great control and pressure, especially on women, to meet the same standards.

The play is particularly rigorous in this regard. Do you feel like you've closed a door?
I would say that representation is the showcase of life and that there is increasing physical, ethnic and stylistic diversity. I would say that the directors who make that wager are rewarded. What always happens is that, according to the director, more or less attention is paid to ello.Bueno, I do not think the door has closed, I have always had the opportunity to capture different and interesting characters. Maybe there are fewer characters, but the competition is also lower.

When and how did you immerse yourself in the world of interpretation? I started dancing at age
three. My neighbor was dancing for the kids in town on weekends, and I started with him. Then I did many amateur courses, dance, song, theatre… When I turned seventeen years old, they opened Memory School in Barcelona, the first school to promote the Spanish musical theatre. Then I signed up. By that time, I had already made a couple of figurations on television and signed my first contract with twenty years, in the musical Peter Pan. That's where it started.

What is representation for you?
Way of living and feeling. I'm unstoppable and I've always wanted to do everything, I wanted to be everything -- tennis player, scientist, lawyer, and even murderer, wanting. Representation has allowed me to be, in part, all of that.

You're also a writer. Since when?
Poetry has always written it. There's someone who writes his life in a leaflet. I do the same through poetry and songs. I write anywhere, with my phone, and everything inspires me. I have written it in the last twenty years and so far I have not published anything. I write because I find it inevitable: I feel the need to share my feelings and my book is an emotional autobiography.

In March he published the poetry book With Heart Ahead. Why has anyone not read it yet?
Because I've left a small part of my soul there to give it to the readers. There you will find another unknown view of me. This book is released from love and heartbreak, but not only from couples or loving people, but from the love and heartbreak of work, of the people who inspire me and of the family. And especially of me. I think everyone is joining this.

What welcome has the book had?People
who have read the truth told me nice things. Also prestigious writers like Espid Freire. In addition, I am lucky because Marwal and Elvira Sastre have protected me and at the same time I feel small. What I gather in this book is so intimate and personal that I'm excited to get into the hands of people and hear the nice things of many.

The theater, the cinema, the television, the music, the mockery, the circus… you have done it all. Which one do you feel most comfortable in?
In all. I like working, learning and sharing. And all of them I need to be happy.

Finally, what projects do you now have in your hands?
In addition to continuing the promotion of the book, I await the premiere of the Érase music series once but no longer, which will be premiered on Netflix in 2022. Directed by Ramón Caro, it features Sebastián Yatra, Daniela Vega, Rosi de Palma and Asier Etxeandia, among others. On the other hand, I have several plays, series and films.

Despite the diversity “I grew up in the urbanization Fontpineda, located 20
kilometers from Barcelona. In a forest without sewage. It was a mixture between Viking Vicky and Pippi Calzaslarga: he went with a giant dog and a machete building casets in the forest. I invented things, and I was racing with my bike. I was doing a lot of sport in my childhood. I felt great freedom, but I also experienced tough times; when I was 8 years old, I lost my best friend in an accident. I spent my childhood in that duality, between total happiness and blackest emptiness.”


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