Wet dreams and dog dreams
Sonia González @sonetska 2021eko azaroaren 25

Multinationals, lobbies and think tanks seem to have consumed millions of euros to deny climate change (BP, Exxon, FAES, Google...) and, finally, they have realised that a large business was being denied. Advantages of transforming need into virtue. I imagine them on the boards of directors, rubbing their hands with glitches of zero, joyfully dreaming of the happy energy transition that they say governments have to make and that they are going to pay (which we have). From negationism to negotiation. But wet dreams and dog dreams are often one and the other.

We could talk about both electric cars and renewables, but the famous energy transition requires too many raw materials. Batteries need cobalt, lithium, manganese and nickel; LEDs, gallium and indians; new solar panels, cadmium teluluro… According to calculations from the energy consultant Wood Mackenzie, to keep the heating at 2 degrees it is necessary: 19 million tonnes of copper more per year (60% more), 30% more in aluminium production, 50% more nickel, 140% more lithium, 150% more cobalt, etc. All this will ensure that production and consumption continue at current levels.

"We could talk about renewables enough, but the famous energy transition requires too many raw materials."

That is the key, indeed, while the priority is to maintain the system that has brought us here, while the most repeated word is “development”, which is “sustainable” with the last name, while striving for procastination, ours has done so.
The future has come. In mines, there are not enough raw materials for the energy transition that we have been promised. And to find and exploit new details, it would take a couple of decades. In the face of setthic reality, magical thinking: “Technology will save us.” Pray to the new god and his earth representatives brought in.

Those of the IPCC are well aware of the political and economic representatives who ignore them. That's why they filtered the report and spelled it out in the mouth: either we changed the model of production and consumption, or there's no future for humanity. Until such a decision is taken, the signing of the death sentences will be the role of each signatory.

Unlike other temperatures, companies prefer to measure social temperature. So, for example, according to a survey conducted by Salesforce consultant, 73 percent of the population believes that there is an urgent need to change the economic paradigm. It is no longer a demand for anti-capitalist agents or growth groups. It is no wonder that large companies have attended more representatives than ever to the current summit, between Arantxa Tapia. Of the Santa Teresa texts there is no more oxymorous than harmonizing economic development and the environment.

Two years ago, Urkullu declared a climate emergency. It was then pointless to find measures in that statement. But it wasn't their goal. On that day a pistol was launched to launch the “strategy”. And we already have, along with other agreements, an alliance with Basque Green Deal, 14 big companies and multinationals. The PNV is fulfilling its part of the agreement, removing barriers to economic interests. As a practical application, among others, Projects of High Public Interest, to ensure that companies can carry out large infrastructures (landfills, incinerators, fraquing or any other they want) above all and above all. The Basque Government does not need a lobby behind, they are the Park lobby.