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Tribiz: lost farmhouse

Argazkia: Aitane Goñi Landa
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I had never said that a theater play was going to make me visit the Otxarkoaga bilbaíno district, on a Monday night in October. But that's what happened in October, and with a lot of pleasure, why not?

In the room Harrobia was represented Tribiz: Baserri galdua and Jon Ander Urresti Tribiz, who I had the opportunity to meet this summer, had never seen in the theater world. I didn't know the room either, because a Pamplona centrist doesn't know it. The place has caught me from the beginning: small, enveloped, intimate. It can be said that the seats were on the same stage, when the front row viewers put their feet on the board, as if we were on par with the actor. “I came yesterday and today, again, I missed yesterday to try to catch the details today. She is alone and the work is brief,” says a man who has greeted her parents. The lights have been heard and turned off “for the respect due to the artists, to remain silent during the performance”.

Play 'The lost farmhouse of
Tribiz' When: 18 October
Where: Bilbao Quarry Room

Jon Ander has been barefoot and has first thanked his grandparents and grandmothers for allowing him to enter their bodies. As soon as I start with the piece I have learned that a stable is the distance and not the place, and that the stable was bought (or I am not clear) the ground. Jon Ander has been with the roles of the dwarf while listening to his grandmother's voice. It teaches us essential objects in the farmhouse, each with an important phrase. Among them are the basil, the stone and the brush. The ancestors underlined Jon Ander's role in screening: “You have to think well about what you want to stay with and what you want to throw away.” And the songs are present at all times, very present. Including some expressly from Bermeo. For example, “Amuma sang all the holy day.”

According to Tribiz, those who keep the dwarf standing are the acts of their inhabitants, “although the dwarf gives strong things, they do not stand alone”. And those actions have disappeared in the dwarf that bears their name. The conflicts between the members of the last generation of the family, due to the designation of urgency, have led the dwelling to ruin, since the division into five parts prevents the dwelling itself from being held. Because the Gothic window of 700 years stumbled cannot resist itself. Although Aitxitxe says “quiet, the stones have always been there.”

The Tribiz farmhouse, located opposite the oldest farmhouse in Bizkaia, is losing its use and asks us what to do with the heritage that is being lost? He wanted to end the performance with the words of Amuma “semie, that I knew nothing about papelas”.

Another real story is the pretty, transparent and simple of the tarts.

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When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.


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On violet balloon

Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
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