“The biggest budgets of all time”
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2021eko azaroaren 12a
Pedro Azpiazu, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ekonomia eta Ogasun sailburua, aurrekontu proiektuaren inguruko balorazioa egiten (argazkia: Irekia)

The government has presented the draft prepared for 2022 as “the largest budgets in history.” Yeah, if you just look at the numbers. But even though they're big, they don't have to be enough and the biggest ones you can do. What would be different would be the film “wealth will be shared as never in 2022,” no doubt the powders would shed. But, as we have seen, because they are the ones who have to give the most, they have seen nothing in danger once again.

In the context of the 2008 crisis, the public, not complementary, but dependent on the market. As long as this is the rule, you can play with budgets, but without real social changes.

The Navarro government has claimed that theirs are “people’s budgets”. Perhaps yes, because income is based, above all, on the contributions of workers. Public spending will be stepped up, but not because more money has been raised by changing taxation. Increased indebtedness and use of European funds. In two cases, the money to be returned. So, yes, the budgets that the people are going to pay, and not for that reason those who come.

From Madrid they announce that investments will be huge. It cedes in its attempt to limit the increase in electricity and has just ruled out the real possibility of intervening in the housing market. It is about public spending changing things and solving problems. It is impossible if public intervention and social control of the economy are renounced.

There's a difference between making this sustainable system and making a sustainable system. In the context of the 2008 crisis, they impose a whole political reform in disguise of economic measures and reforms. The public, not complementary, but dependent on the market. As long as this is the rule, you can do games with budgets, but not real social changes.