Aliens: A group that has never existed?
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2021eko azaroaren 11
Another Frontline Compilation 94/00 | Aliens | Hegoa Albums.

It's come to me in whatsapp. Joseba de Koban has just heard in Parallel 3 that the label Hegoa Diska has published the collection of songs from a group of Pamplona electronics from the 1990s. Get to know the record house yes, but Another Frontline Compilation 94/00 no.

Yeah, a good chimorro. Barrionuevo, the Democratic Alternative, and the political speeches of the other time sampled, accompanied by analogue rhythm boxes and monophonic synthesizers. Intermittently equalizing, sometimes involuntary polyrhythmias occur.

The aliens are the name of the group and its members MC Buztana, DJ Ipurdi, Urtzi and Ekaitz. Eight PPE were published between 1994 and 2000, and the record label is as follows: “They unsuccessfully created a new techno-pop group called the Second Chance.” Within the influences From here to there! mention, but their first work dates back to 1997 and by then the aliens had already fired five PPE. Something is not going well.

I have cast it on the whim of a reliable distributor of Pamplona. And look, he doesn't know it either. We have to ask the people who were in that movement! Club fans, raveros, music lovers... In heaven and earth, nobody knows anything about aliens.

Also Google, little: two blog posts and a video. They're posts from 2013 and 2016, but they're edited! The video is an interview in Euskadi Gaztea, but short lies in the tail. It is a dubbing and also in the dialect of Urola Kosta!

We addressed Mikel Acosta of Hegoa Diska. Passionate about music, treasure finder. In making our finding known, we have been surprised: “What do they say, but they have not existed?” His friend Martin discovered the team at The Chinese Youtube Boat. He met an alien 'fan club' and he passed the songs, including the covers of his albums with the afix Julian Jantzi or Boto Herri Batasuna of EGI.

Too much has been said about the 1980s of the Basque Radical Rock. As if nothing else had happened. It has to be remembered time and again that the 1990s has been quite fruitful. The punk and hardcore of the time knew the new electronics coming from England, before the bakalao and techno came, through Massive Attack and The Prodigy. He started experimenting, recording small albums and distributing them among friends.

We still don't solve the mystery of aliens. Did they exist? Is everything a face like in Ferminen Automobiles? Or simply, it's a group of friends who experimented at home with electronic music, who never published their work, and now wants to send us some message of this kind: “Yes, we were there and we came from the future.” Because electronics are old stuff, buddy.