What is knowledge in the artificial intelligence era?
  • In November, I must take part in a round table with other women who are not experts in artificial intelligence but who are making some thoughts about it. A good opportunity to go deeper. We will reflect on the sense of knowledge at a time when artificial intelligence is increasing.
Diana Franco Eguren 2021eko urriaren 31

Many words appear in my mind when I start thinking about knowledge: data, information, knowledge. On the other hand, the word intelligence brings me instinct to my head.

Dividing these words would form two groups: on the one hand, the group of words that I can represent without being linked to the body: data, information, knowledge, intelligence. On the other hand, words that I cannot imagine without the body: knowing, instinct.

Human beings have been slowly moving away from words such as the instinct and knowledge of the Middle Ages and approaching concepts such as knowledge and intelligence, which are a model for describing the world we live in and its characteristics. A model that helps us move away from our wildest side, losing things along the way, like the relationship with our body and nature.

The journal Nature told in a scientific article in 2017 that Google's DeepMind artificial intelligence was able to create knowledge and win the world's best player without human help around the game Go. So he said that artificial intelligences can have the ability to generate knowledge.

Today, we are looking closely at the development of artificial intelligence technologies that allow transforming data into information and knowledge. How will this affect the way we understand our world? How will it affect our relationship? How is our relationship with other living beings? What is our relationship with our body like?