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To represent love

Argazkia: Axut
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Love is materialized in fact. Not in emotions or feelings... lives them by themselves, they leave.” These are the words that are written by the posters they have given us at the entrance. That Axut is a sentimental political comedy! The Amua play, from the company's hand.

As soon as I take the place, I have seen all the gadgets on the tabside, a real proverb. A couple of intertwined wooden earrings, a tree at the center of the scene and almost half a dozen instruments on the sides. The latter, if I tell you the truth, has frightened me at first -- I almost hate musicals and batukadas, and I thought the play could be around for a moment. I don't want to make a lot of spoiler, but it's not musical, really quiet.

'Amua' When: 29 September
Where: Theatre School of Navarra, Pamplona

Ana, Aitor and Txolarre have met for a long time to spend a weekend in the jungle of Irati, but the tour that Ana has organized has not reached the same information to either of the boys. Don't think that, once there, none of the three of you know what's going to happen well in those days that you have. Attempts at demasculinization, competition, free relationships, property, loyalty and ghosts from one side to the other. But also a dog called Flowers, Alcohol and Revolution. Humor has taken all the loopholes.

We have been able to hear from the three protagonists that we have often felt, but that rarely emerge. What can be counted and what can't, what is the problem and what can't, what is love and what can't. With these doubts, fears and confusions, I am convinced that all audiences have made a small smile at some point for us, when we have seen ours in the body of one of them. Mines, denial, expiration dates and a thousand other issues that we do not yet understand.

Ana ceases to be Ana and becomes from time to time in Maite, both the violin and some guitar, to offer you sound effects or some good song accompanied by letters. The Fuchs brothers have also left Aitor and Txolarre behind at times, grabbing the tenor saxo or the cello. When any kind of live concert also offers live music, there is always a step up. The projections on the rear screens have perhaps been the only one left for me.

The play is a beautiful collection of real situations caricaturized and not so caricaturized. Issues related to love as a giant word raised from the watchtower of humor, possible answers to some questions and new questions, as well as the juice that can be made with half orange.

Go to the theaters, you won't regret it!

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