Resuscitate with enthusiasm
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2021eko urriaren 06a
Phoenix | The Clayton | Autoekoizpena
Phoenix | The Clayton | Autoekoizpena

Aramaio is the most Euskaldun town in Álava, which by its proximity has a lot to do with Arrasate. Thus, the Aramaio have lived closely the great musical life that the neighboring town has (has been). However, there are few groups created and fewer have had repercussions, in addition to Xementerio.

The Clayton was founded in 2018 by a group of young people who spent 18 years. The versions began – The Clash, Ramones, Barricada, The Hellacopters… – and then they published a model composed of four songs. In a performance with Disciples of Dionisos they gave much to talk and surprised the public. Then, with the arrival of the pandemic, the achieved was frozen.

They have worked intensively on the pandemic, have undergone changes in the team members, to which a member of the Cochinillos group has joined, and in the Silver Recordings study by Martin L Guevara, of the Capsula group, have recorded a long work. The designs have been made by Pletina Films, located in Aramaio, and the group has published this album.

The group has left behind the urgently edited model and has grown; moreover, they have decided to alternate English with Euskera, many times in the same song, and leave aside Castilian. They have made quite developmental chants of very diverse mothers.

In Tight fitting pants dirt punk punk rock with glam and pride from Hot Dogs!. Remove a tie is the punk rock melodic that Perlata's friends give a distinctive touch, opened by The Hellacopters' transparent High Visibility guitars. Out of the box drinks blues, it is also a rock and roll of atmosphere of juerga and also brings Detroit soda. American dreamer remembers the source of heavy English labelado, similar to the train. Rush hour has internalized the outlaw rock-and-roll hilbilly with half-tempos interspersed. The Listaria effect is intense and crazy rock and roll. Uauu! Phoenix feathers part of the blues posed until the rock and roll bursts to the height of Zen Guerrilla. Flammable fingers pays a new irreverent tribute to ‘rock’ on its path to the Loss of Senses.