Giant chocolate palm
Ana Mendia 2021eko irailaren 30a

In three years' time the Gazte-txartela will expire. It repeats this. In the wallet I will not have any documents to prove my freshness, not even the Visa Debit K26+. On the road of good, I will repress maturity at 922 days after the publication of this light drama of the first world. Welcome to the thirties, ay ama!

To some extent, I'm curious to know what I'm going to feel when I step into the era that comes to me, because I've heard many of you, for example, that the complexes disappear with age. What will happen in the early morning too? Along with the Visa Classic, it is worth self-esteem. That is good! I am aware that I speak of privilege: I am a white, cis-hetero woman with a normative body, that is, I feel comfortable with the reading that the world makes of me. Kilos, hairs, stretch marks, cellulite and other imperfections within acceptable limits. Mamelons too small and back too wide from traditional masculinity, but anyway, on this beach, I don't think anyone can come back to the head to comment on anything. In other words, I am referring to the protection of the platoon. And yet, I had to come to the Canary Islands to brand the floral bikini that I did not put all summer (because, in total, nobody knows me here). It's a brand!

"On the other side of the mirror we don't like to feel bad and we feel bad about feeling bad"

I bet someone is preparing a sermon for their colco: "It's about feeling comfortable with yourself, girl. Love your body. To others!" And the last pearl, then: "Beauty is inside." All right, what I get from the sun's rays and the noise of the waves in this wonderful sand can't be blurred by someone else's sentence. I know the theory. "Being beautiful is feeling handsome. Feel beautiful" (Mr. Wonderful, 2021).

Well, I don't know if I'm really fond of this theory. An example. A girl who is fat a few meters from Nigane an hour ago or has spread the towel. He just calcined under the sun, took a bath and took a lunch: a huge chocolate palm with an impressive appearance. I think that looking at the scene, many of us have come to the conclusion that it does eat poorly and certainly does not practice sport. However, if I did the same food, the result could be that you are on vacation and you are enjoying the small pleasures of life. The same palm in the hands of one sin and virtue in the hands of the other. Sinners after penance: examination of conscience, guilt, confession, reparation and acquittal. But love your body.

To see if I bleach: with feeling bad because we don't like the other side of the mirror we feel insufficient and bad because we feel bad (remember the theory: beauty is a choice). Let's talk raw, please, it's not convenient for them to look too thick, glued, too thin, hairy or cellulite. If we do not go crazy, we cannot dissociate ourselves so easily from reality. Delirium or pain: that's how you choose.

I don't think that neither the girl who has eaten the palm tree nor I (nor anybody) like to recognize how the casings mingle every time we look at our supposed imperfections. And maybe it's because I haven't matured enough yet, I don't know, but it fascinated me a little bit with those who say that having abdominal pain is my decision. Until the self-esteem coupon arrives, therefore, I will continue to live in that struggle between delirium and pain. I've realized that, turning my head around, my stomach calms down. And, listen, if it doesn't change the world, I'm not going to be able to come to the beach to be a piece of girl on the beach, but it's not bad to stick.