Euneiz University
Of all but not for all
  • European University of Gasteiz, Euneiz, whether or not a private university comes. The Baskonia-Alavés group of Josean Kerejeta, the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Council of Álava and the Basque Government seem to be a strong alliance – and this is what it appears in the main media – but the project has weaknesses and shadows.
Ruben Sánchez Bakaikoa @arlotea 2021eko irailaren 29a
Argazkia: Dospordos

Monday is the final Kris Institute course. Hanging out lazy and with his eyes semi-closed, from the night table fishing his mobile with his hand palpating, listen to how the goggles have fallen to the ground and the eyes open suddenly to see if they are OK. Uf, less bad!

First opens the message of Lur, teammate, is a news from the beginning of September in El Correo: “The Basque Parliament will direct the Law of Euneiz University to adapt it to new demands.” It seems that in 2022-2023 they want to start their academic career, even though today they are not physically based. Today no, but the photo of the news shows the headquarters of Caja Vital Kutxa, a beautiful building located next to the pavilion of Bakh (Sports City of Baskonia) and Fernando Buesa, announcing the presence of the faculty of Euneiz. Underground message: “Video games, sport, music, health, digital productions, engineering, learning by playing, playing by learning;-)”. After a GIF, Stephen Curry sings the trio.

Kris has set his position in bed to the wall, how could the Earth have so much energy on a Monday morning? Then ask the oracle Google “Euneiz”.


In 2017, Alavés has seen a seven-minute video that went up to Youtube, the truth is that the idea, the place, the environment, the experts who speak, the politicians, innovation, the future, the work...Encourages to enroll in the next course. But he also has doubts, remember that the Montessori School, which kicked off in Bakh and stayed in nowhere, closed its doors in 2019: without a license, with a lawsuit lost by the charge of unfair terms, with the director encased…

It seems that this time the main obstacle is a Spanish royal decree approved in July to guarantee quality in universities. The Decree has been the subject of extensive processing and Euneiz will have five years to adapt it. The Basque Parliament will cooperate with the support of the PNV, PSE and PP. Will it be another issue for the negotiations between Urkullu and Sánchez? Difficult to choose from: TAV, jails, fracking and now also Euneiz.

EH Bildu and Podemos have denounced in parliament the public funding of this private university. In fact, according to the information provided by the project promoters, Baskonia-Alaves wants to build together with Bakh a business centre with an investment of EUR 64 million: an international centre, a development and technology centre, a residence for 350 students and athletes, a entrepreneurship and support centre for business development and another research and sports medicine centre. If this were not enough, the park and the wetland of Salburua, the Baskonia court and the Bakh itself would be on campus: beautiful pool, ice rink, sports courts, gyms… For young athletes such as Lur and Kris it is hard to imagine a more attractive place. They are not the most beautiful reasons for them, but good: the drivers have announced the creation of 750 jobs, their contribution to the Interior Product of Álava, the referentiality that will bring to Álava and Euskadi such an innovative project, the ability to attract the most talented young people, the ability to reactivate the economy, the green, the eco, the bio…

In 2017 he was named "Ambassador of Álava" by the Chamber of Commerce. Photo: Vasconia

Josean Kerejeta

Talking about Josean Kerejeta in Vitoria is something like being a Christian and talking about God: The Church has had lights and shadows, but it is sin to take the name of God in the mouth. Sin, therefore, refers to the lights and shadows of Euneiz.El
Baskonia played in the Mendizorrotza pavilion, as did teams from any province like his, and the club had three workers. It was then unthinkable to play at the Buesa Arena, where today there are 15,500 people, inconceivable that Baskonia could become a team that won leagues and cups, be one of the groups with the most partners and spectators in Europe and become a permanent member of the Euroleague. In a ‘city’ like Vitoria. In fact, the small brand Gasteiz did not help him for many years to bring the Final Four (great brands of Istanbul, Paris, Berlin, Madrid or Barcelona that the Euroleague sought). He finally brought the end, yes, but the tourists did not stay in the little Vitoria.

In 2010, Florentino Pérez himself tried to sign Kerejeta to shake Real Madrid with basketball. He told him not three times, and he also jumped from basketball to football in 2016, put 2.4 million euros in notary and saved the Alavés in danger of extinction, adding and taking over the province’s two big teams. The Baskonia, which had three workers, is today the Alaves Baskonia group, which has a thousand workers.

A pub, the Gretel goodies, the video games market, a good understanding with politicians without marrying anyone, sometimes with the flag of Arabidad… I mean, don’t take the name of Kerejeta in the mouth. We shall see, however, what Euneiz is left for.


The public impetus of all of
them has been presented and supported by the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Provincial Council of Álava and the Basque Government so that the project can be supported by the European Public Funds. Recently, at a concentration held in San Sebastian, representatives of LAB, Steilas, CCOO, ELA, LKN, Ernai and the Student Council denounced that with these funds Euneiz would receive a direct grant of €12.5 million. In addition, in early June, the councillor of Territory, Ana Oregon, announced that the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz will support the project with 480,000 euros. In the words of the MP, Ramiro González, “we are convinced of Euneiz’s contribution to the territory. It is a positive project. It is not exclusionary.” It is therefore hoped that this university, for all, will also be directly subsidised by the Council. Or we have.

Meanwhile, the UPV/EHU Directorate is ready to ‘balance’ the deficit of three million in the 2020 budget in 2021. How? Well, reducing spending and cutting. But later on we will address the situation of the UPV.

It is intended to implement the Euneiz faculty in the former headquarters of Caja Vital, in the area of Bakh (Sports City of Baskonia) and the Fernando Buesa pavilion. Photo: Dospordos

General Deputy
Ramiro González, President of Saski Baskonia, Josean Kerejeta, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Uraran and Iñigo Urkulluz, as well as other men and acronyms: Catalanes ENTI (Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives) and EUSES (Escola Universitària de la Salut i l’Export).

In fact, they are not universities, but colleges attached to the university that offer degrees and master's degrees. EUSES is related to the University of Girona and ENTI of Barcelona. The fact that these schools that set an example in Euneiz are not universities also gives much to think. In addition, Euneiz will not be available in all pockets, as a former ENTI student named Daniel Sintas said in the newspaper El País (27/VI/2018): “The race is expensive, 8,500 euros a year. I had to look for paid practices.” In the case of EUSES, the levels of 60 appropriations related to sport and new technologies range from 6,000 to 8,000 euros. In fact, the annual fee foreseen by the Euneiz drivers who want to complete 2,000 students is similar, EUR 8,000.

It's not a little money for Kris's family. Perhaps if he also got a job? Maybe this same course should try something, you wouldn't want your parents to get in the door to ask for credit. In any case, what if that Spanish decree prevented the university? Would Euneiz be connected to the UPV/EHU? Representatives of UPV teachers and students do not seem to be very happy with this possibility.

Mobilization of the trade union majority against Euneiz. Photo: Dospordos

What about the UPV?
Most of the professors, staff and students from the Basque public university are not in favour of boosting Euneiz with public money, and they consider it to be detrimental to the UPV/EHU. According to Steilas, the number of university students since 1997 has not changed, but private universities are increasing. For the majority of the university community of the UPV/EHU, the Basque Government is prioritizing the educational business model, connecting or subjecting the company to the world, and also, due to the cost of tuition of these private universities, etc., the population is segregated according to their socio-economic origin. According to these students, teachers and workers, Euneiz will double the degrees already existing in the Basque University System (Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy, Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Degree in Production and Entrepreneurship of Digital Content), although the law of the aforementioned Government requires a harmonized development of the offer. In this sense, Euneiz will compete with the UPV/EHU both for the acquisition of students and for the acquisition of resources from the administrations.

The privatization of public money also raises questions such as the working conditions of the workers, the usual working hours in the private sector and the temporality, the weight that the Basque will have in Euneiz, even in the UPV/EHU itself today the degrees and, much less, when the full learning of the masters in Basque is not guaranteed, etc.

According to LAB’s complaint about the UPV’s employment situation, many teachers work on part-time contracts, without having another job outside, with salaries between 400 and 700 euros per month. In addition, these teachers have a higher workload than paid. Only teaching and mentoring are paid, although in most cases other essential actions are performed. The situation of researchers is also poor: in the case of many predoctoral researchers, the delays due to them by the UPV/EHU have not yet been paid due to the new conditions imposed by the new Researchers’ Statute. Working conditions are quite precarious for those who start the research and discrimination among workers is evident: for example, professors and non-permanent researchers are denied the requirement of sexenies of research, although they are sufficient merits to receive these supplements, but their permanent colleagues present the work of the research activities carried out with them to be evaluated, but they are denied this possibility.

In the case of the Administration and Services Staff, the number of workers is about 100, despite having worked for many years, without consolidating the jobs. For the majority of the university community, the leadership of the UPV/EHU does not put pressure on the Basque Government to obtain the necessary funding. That is why it does not seem fair to them that Euneiz should support itself in this way and that it should be financed with pú
money blico.La Crisis has been delayed without realizing it. Shit. On Monday morning and without a shower you will go to the institute. He keeps thinking. Euneiz isn't it another Montessory School? Isn't it going to be the Alavesa camused in Enge? For example, the plaza de toros descapotable disguised as multiple uses Iradier Arena; the Final Four: Vitoria had to fill that weekend with fans of basketball, tents, music, ads there and here, expectation… and the vitorians of Welcome, converted by chance into the extras of Mister Marshall, or when the largest tortilla of potatoes in the world that was going to enter the book Guiness fell to the floor of the cook Senén, is it better metaphor?.