I am Spanish
Jose Ignazio Ansorena 2021eko irailaren 16a

Nik naiz Spanish. Many of you, too, and other Basques of the French. Recently, someone wrote a complaint in the newspaper, because in one concert I presented only two works in Basque: "Euskaraz ez dugunentzat begiratzeko apur bat order."

The City of San Sebastian does not miss many opportunities to get ridiculous. The last one is the recently renewed Noise Ordinance. When I read, I realized that all of our rules and laws are written in Spanish, very bad Spanish, and if there's luck, they are translated. The great translators of our institutions, with the aim of translating those Castilian linguistic monsters into the other totally opposite language (I am referring only to linguistics). We should call for at least half of them to be written in Basque and, in the event of luck, to be returned to Spanish. All of us, even the monolingual Spaniards, would win.

"For Oiartzabal, Iturgaitz and the crew, what is being Spanish? Because we are administrative. Excited to see the red-white flag dancing?"

Iñaki Oiartzabal – he writes Oyarzábal – complains, following the line of Professor Iturgaitz – he writes Iturgaiz – that hatred against Spain is being fought in the Basque centres. And he adds: "I'm homosexual and president of the Alavese PP. If I'm given the pass for being gay, for my ideas, for what I think or feel, is it different? ".

Onintza Enbeitia in the article by Berria Amorru garaia and in relation to homophobic attacks, says it is time to move on to rabies. Using the rule of Oiarzabal, this rage could return for those of us who every day feel the attack on Euskera. I do not share Onintza. Rabies is particularly harmful to those who have it and makes little social contribution. It is about acting constantly: working critical thinking in all areas, educating in fine sensitivity, pasting mutual respect in power, making the oppressor see that our callosities are being pressed ...

For Oiartzabal, Iturgaitz and the crew, what is being Spanish? Because we are administrative. Excited to see the red-white flag dancing? Give the patriotic police the go-ahead? Are the organizers of a vote to be judged silently? This Spanish language is obsolete and not attractive to young people. Like Sabino's stories.

Of course, not everything is done right in schools. Not even in our homes. I find it very serious, for example, to educate as boys and girls, and I often feel that this is what is done in Basque schools. No matter how I am Spanish or Eusko gudariak get into the recording: the exterior noise brings with it the interior. The noise ordinance will not change it. Euskaraz hitz egiteko isiltasuna order bat.