New Trojans
  • On August 5, 2021, the company Apple announced the need to install a photo and message tracking software on the devices created by it to prevent the practice of paedophilia. The gigantic tech companies have done this practice in their clouds, but on our devices this is an obvious change.
Diana Franco Eguren 2021eko irailaren 21a

Apple states that development has faced pedophilia, an admirable motivation, and that there is no one opposed to it. However, many agents have taken the news with mistrust. On August 19, 2021, in coordination with the U.S. Center for Democracy and Technology, 91 international civil society organizations wrote a letter to Tim Cook, head of Apple. They told him, among other things, that once this software was installed, Apple would open the door to spy on citizens, creating new risks for children and the LGBTI community.

To this kind of development, I look like the Trojan horse: they are presented as good things, but they can become a means to work on a lot of bad things. Those who promote the business in the digital arena also want to remove the shadow of paedophilia in the networks, but their motivation is not the well-being of children, but the expansion of the children’s digital market, for which parents must perceive the digital space as a safe space.

Opening the door to these new Trojans is a matter of trust. And trust can be defined according to a person's willingness to be weak in the face of another's actions. Laurin Weissinger, a cybersecurity researcher at the University of Tuffs, has made an interesting reflection on this in the web The Conversation: Can we trust big tech corporations? We can also ask the question in another way: Who do we want to get to grips with the data that shows our weaknesses?