Salvage letters
Ainhoa Aldazabal Gallastegui 2021eko irailaren 23a
112 poem to flutter life | Author: Begoña Abad de la Parte | Translator: Fernando Rey Ladder
Denonarte, 2020.

In the prologue of the book the author himself and the translator tell us that we will find the anthology of the 112 poems chosen by this second author. This is the number we use in case of an emergency. Universal telephone assistance in risk situations. Thus, the poems of Begoña Abad of the Party are rescue poems.

I liked the publication to include the original language, the Spanish language and the translation into the Basque language. It allows us to read in different ways: first entirely in Spanish and then everything in Basque or poems one by one alternating both languages. I have chosen this last form and I have played to taste, because if you know the original language you can contrast how the translator thought, said and written. What sound each of the languages emits and how or where the poems come from.

You can follow the order proposed by the author of the anthology or open the book and read the page that has been adjusted to the height. The latter has been my choice. I've read some poems two, three and four times. I don't remember one another well vez.Se
mixing small things from day to day and deep messages. Some poems are more descriptive, more narrative, others are constituted by direct demands. He has reflected on words and love is going to blur, to himself, to the environment and to life. We can read terms like politics, disobedience, cutbacks... There are more abstract ideas like paradise, infinity, dignity and forgiveness.

In the poem Eta zer… he reflects on his condition as a writer and poet and reminds me of some poem by Gloria Fuerte. He asks rhetorical questions about his identity, doubts and assertions.

It will be topical to say that stories save us, but I like to defend that idea, although in the Manifesto by reading, Irene Vallejo explains much better. The latter has also come in the summer suitcase. I've filled the bag of bikinis, gowns and books. It would be easier if I wore an electronic book, so I could take more letters in a smaller space. But I like to take paper, and this year I've been very successful with the election. And you, what have you read this summer?