David Bou 2021eko irailaren 16a

After the summer holiday period, the new course begins at the heart of the controversy the project to expand the airport of El Prat in Barcelona. On August 2, the governments of Catalonia and Spain reached an agreement for the dissemination to be "minimizing" the ecological impact on the lagoon of Ricarda, but then the script has changed its course unexpectedly.

Raquel Sánchez, Minister of Transport of the PSOE-Unidas Podemos and former mayor of the PSC in the municipality of Gava, next to the terminals, announced in an unexpected press conference that the investment of EUR 1.7 billion was to be suspended. AENA will remove the plans for Barcelona from the Airport Regulation Document (DORA) for the period 2022-2026. The Plan is expected to be adopted at the last Council of Ministers in September.

Beyond the PSOE’s own movements to erode the CKD, the Republican ‘disappeared’ Convergence continues to be conditioned. Also under the new Entégé brand the convergent have not moved from their traditional wager: a predatory and developmentalist economic model that has filled the cement territory and precariousness in the last decades. It seems that President Aragones does not dare to be faithful to what he manifested in his investiture speech, as he said that he will bet on "feminist, environmentalist and transformative policies". The expansion of the airport and the candidacy of the Barcelona-Pirineus Winter Olympics by 2030 are the two main projects at the national level for this political course.

"The expansion of the airport and the candidacy of the Barcelona-Pirineus Winter Olympics by 2030 are the two major projects at the national level for this political course"

In the case of the airport, the objective of enlargement is to increase the 52 million prepandemic passengers to 70 million, from 8% to 15% of intercontinental flights. To this end, they not only provide for an extension of the third track of 740 metres and the destruction of a protected area of special natural interest. They also want to urbanize 195 more acres, six meters to build a new station, a logistics park, hotels, restaurants, parking and shopping and business centers.
All this would represent a 33% increase in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2019 emissions, when CO2 emissions from the Prate aeronautical sector reached 8.4 tonnes, according to the Barcelona Regional Agència de Desenvolupament Urbà. With these data, please explain how the commitment of the aviation sector and the European Union to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 55% by 2030 will be met.

According to a study by the University of Barcelona, 41% of the Catalan population is against the expansion of the airport, while only 26% are in favour. The great opposition of the voters of the ERC, Junts, CUP and Comuns parties stands out. The social mobilization that has been launched in recent months confirms this: Over 120 social organisations, neighbourhood associations, farmers and ecologists have joined together to request the suspension of the project. They denounce that it would harm people's biodiversity and health, and that the aviation and energy sectors are in crisis.Estos sectors are also responsible in part for the climate emergency that plagues the planet.

Once again, the Catalan people have shown themselves to be ahead of their political representatives, who have no choice but to try an emergency landing. Tie the belts.