They call it crisis.
Itziar Bardaji Goikoetxea 2021eko irailaren 16a

Clicking on the Google crisis: “A critical and decisive situation that jeopardizes the development of a subject or process.”

At the beginning of the refugee crisis in 2015, the word refugee still had a trail of rights associated with its meaning. At the time of Refugees welcome, in addition to demanding a dignified reception of Syrians arriving in Greece, we denounced that the word refugee distinguishes primary and secondary migrants. The rigid criteria sculpted by the interests of the Western states deny recognition, among others, to economic refugees created by imperialism.

Later, we saw how the humanity of these refugees was being violated in the lamentable camps in Europe. Racism shone hard. Today, people fleeing Afghanistan – I am rewriting: people – will not arrive in Turkey, they will not be able to seek asylum in the European Union. In view of the new barriers and “security” measures, it appears that the war reaches Europe more than the civil war.

Today, without shame, Europe treats all the migrants who have left the people forced, whether or not they fulfil the conditions to be refugees, as a threat.