A whole town can enter Arbona
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2021eko irailaren 23a
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin

The buyer will not end up buying the house and land of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and the associated citizens. The occupation continues, because the seller continues with the hunger of EUR 3 million and because pressure, force, solidarity and community influence the negotiation phase since the occupation. Irrespective of whether they reach an agreement, the occupation will end on 24 October, celebrating the triumph – and making it clear that these lands will remain on alert for their destination to cultivation. In total, 124 days of occupation in the Northern Basque Country, making the habit of occupation minimal and contributing to respect for property. How many people have gone through the occupation? Multiple. Hundreds, maybe thousands. However, less than I imagined. I am convinced that Euskal Herria has not sold many of those who open the slogan to the four winds. When the confinement evidenced us more than the housing problem, posters, graffiti and symbolic actions soon flourished. Proportionally, with many rabias and motivations, it represented more attendees. From Hego Euskal Herria, more solidarity could also be expected, because Arboná's solidarity could be a good opportunity to respond as a country to the widespread problems of land disappearance and speculation. I am convinced that the movement against the Carpentry of Lekaroz has not achieved the popular solidarity of Arbona. We have a problem as a people. We started without limits! It is time and time to respond as a people to those who are destroying the land, and hence the people, on behalf of the dinero.Con Arbonoa, the
ELB and Lurzaindia, have succeeded in convincing that the problem of land is not only a problem for the peasants. In it we collect plurality. The earthquake is going to take place this year, visualizing more than ever the political air it has at the base and in it. Lurrama wants to be a meeting point between farmers and non-growers; he wants to be a warning spot that cultivation and food are absolutely political; and every humble person is demonstrating that we have the power to defend a fairer society. Basically, these objectives have been met by the occupation. This occupation will cease on 24 October in Lurrama. Fifteen hectares of land is very extensive, a whole town can fit there!