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Ox Soup and Heart to Hunger for War

2024-10-16 | Julene Flamarique
Italy is driving the first migrants to Albania and von der Leyen is proposing to extend the initiative to the whole of Europe
Among the criticisms, Italy has deported 16 of the refugees to a "reception centre" that it has built in Albania. The project, which was decided in 2023 on the occasion of a Meloni agreement between Italy and the Ram of Albania, seeks to "accelerate migratory efforts". Human rights... [+]

Eztizen Artola Iturrate
"We've been so romantic about the case, we're not aware of the consequences that prison can have."
The day has come: Ihintza's father will be released from prison. This is the time for the opening of the novel Pneumak (Txalaparta, 2024), by Eztizen Artola (Bilbao, 1999). From there, the child will grow up with a backpack on his travels to jail to visit his father, in order to... [+]


On Sunday of September it is customary to climb to Ernio, dance in Zelatun and eat brown chorizo, or something. The worst time you don't need people. This year, when my friends were leaving earlier and I was delaying, I would go up alone, finding the crews coming down. Most young... [+]

2024-10-16 | Edu Zelaieta Anta
Full round

In the border book of The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, a character's dog has two names: one in Spanish and one in English. It may be odd at first sight, even for a book, but if you think more calmly, you realize that the world is full of double names. And I... [+]

2024-10-16 | Iñaki Murua
On Angel!

It was impossible to guess who was or who was the motto I read, but who was!

Ángel González Olvera was known in Mexico 11 years ago when the bertsolaris invited us to a few days with their improvisers. He lived on a high hill, feeding on birds, pigeons, pigeons, hedgehogs,... [+]

Hezitopia awaits us

The Utopians of the book Utopia of Thomas Moro loved to read it. The good education of the letters had led them to start in childhood and to continue their adult life without anyone ordering anything, reading and learning and reading more. Imagine the time devoted to it for the... [+]

The myth of the free market

As in the Middle Ages God dominated, in modern times we live under the market and its rigid laws. The high level wages are determined by the market, as the prizes of the CEOs of Iberdrola or BBVA mark the markets of their sector, although they take 300 times more to the bag than... [+]

Declaration of the Tlatelolco massacre

Born 2 October 1968. A few months earlier, the student movement started on June 22 organized a rally in the Plaza de las Tres Cultura, in the Nonoalco-Tlatelolco unit of the city. The students gathered by the Mexican army and the paramilitary group Olympia Battalion were... [+]

Anbroxi Burguburu. A simple farmer (say)
"A few years ago, Santa Grazirat was Euskaldun at this point."
It is the book of Txomin Peillen, Animismua Zuberoan (Haranburu, 1983). Their stories have brought us to Urdatx or Santa Grazi. Among others, the stories of the last deceased bear, as in this case it is not a story. In the inn of the people they ask us, they teach us a picture... [+]

Abdallah: the Lebanese who Israeli American friends would want to die in jail
On 24 October, it will mark forty years of the arrest and imprisonment of the Lebanese Georges Ibrahim Abdallah by the French State, thus becoming the oldest political prisoner in Europe. Militant for the freedom of Palestine, he was the creator of the Revolutionary Armed... [+]

Body sounds
"Sometimes it's scary to ask what's coming."
Olga Garate (Pamplona, 1964) is a young woman who is humble, cheerful and energetic. Passion for bicycle and family is your priority. She is a nursing assistant and, although she likes "very much" work, she has been prevented from definitive work due to chronic cancer. In the... [+]

In schools, we have an architecture that prioritizes control rather than surveillance.
Although the transformations of the courtyards of the centers are increasing, the old buildings and the rigid infrastructures are still the ones that dominate the education (both in interior and exterior spaces), to learn, move and relate to taste, far from the spaces, designs,... [+]

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