Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“The uppercase art, the art market… I don’t care”

  • The collages of Julen Iztueta (Anoeta, Gipuzkoa, 1987) are displayed on the walls of the streets of Hamburg. In the last year and a half, the Empty Mirrors collection consists of collages formed by short pictures taken from it and here. Emptied, fragmented and reconstructed bodies predominate in the reflection on identity. Iztueta currently lives in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), combining her artistic activity with that of graphic designer and university professor.
"Sortzailearen asmoa ez dago ikuslearen iritzi edo ikuspegiaren gainetik, nire ustez. Ikusleek irudi horien aitzakiarekin beste edozein elkarrizketa edo pentsamendu izatea ere oso baliotsua da". (Argazkia: Jewgeni Roppel)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Was it clear that I wanted to study fine arts?
After the artistic baccalaureate it was quite clear that he would study fine arts in Bilbao. It is true that when choosing the artistic baccalaureate, the teachers wanted to talk to my parents because, in general, being a good student might not be the most sensible option. I thank my parents for their confidence in my decision.

How do you see the artistic world of Euskal Herria from Barcelona?
I finished the fine arts in Barcelona thanks to a scholarship. Then I did a master's degree in Visual Culture and Education, and with my group of friends I already have, we often attend exhibitions, etc., but I am quite disconnected from the artistic context of Euskal Herria. In general, they are difficult times for culture, but at the same time creators and creativity in general are more fundamental than ever in this society. With the capital letters ARTEA, the art market, etc., I don't care. I like to participate with other creators in different projects and work creativity on all kinds of projects.

Does the collage serve to talk about today's world?
I would say that collage can be used to talk about everything. In the end, like any other technique, a way to create data. What you want to tell or what you want to talk about is decided by the creator. At the same time, I believe that the creator’s intention is not above the viewer’s opinion or vision. It is also very valuable that viewers have any other dialogue or thought on the pretext of these images.

What do empty mirrors show?
In these 50 collages that are part of my first individual exhibition, you can see the bodies in conflict. There are characters that reflect on identity. If we go into these broken, fragmented beings, we can find different parts of the body. Fragments of more than one person can often be placed in each emptied body.

What is the reflection on which the project is based?Of the first
projects carried out during the Fine Arts career, I have reflected on the construction of my identity. Through photography, painting… In this process, readings about gender perspective and masculinities have been fundamental.

How to bring the discourse of identities and masculinities to the image?A
general look at my work shows that at first glance I work with bodies that can be understood as men. From my personal experience, I connect more with these portraits. Starting from this point of departure and always trying to keep a plural look towards the bodies, the trickles, the pego... I do not do so with a fixed goal, but I know that my interest in this issue positively undermines creativity. When I'm asked what my job counts, it comes to my mind.

Did you know from the beginning that it was going to be a collection?
This collection consists of collagos made in this last year and a half, but in this time I have created many more images. Immersed in the process I have been creating without fixed objectives, enjoying that mere fact. When I was asked to do this exhibition I thought it was an unbeatable opportunity to make a collection and it has been a very interesting process. It has stopped me, I have been able to look at everything I have been doing at a slower pace.

How did you get the opportunity to show off your jobs in Hamburg?
During this time I shared my creations on Instagram, which allowed me to meet many photographers and other creators. So I started talking to a photographer who is part of the Galerie 21 in Hamburg. After several joint projects, he proposed an exhibition at the Art Off Hamburg.

Have you been there?For four
days I've had the opportunity to be in Hamburg and I've been able to see the jobs on its streets. It has been very interesting to observe the images taken in the study in an urban landscape surrounded by other images, posters and people. I've also been documenting how they've been changing over these days. They also gave me the opportunity to paste other posters and I had the opportunity to speak with some who came to ask what we had in this task, it was one of the most enriching moments of the journey.

What are your intentions for the future?
I've come back from Hamburg with a lot of information and a lot of desire to keep creating. They have allowed me to make a stay at Galerie 21 and I have to start planning. I would also like to have the opportunity to bring my work closer to Euskal Herria.

The art language
“Empty Mirrors” is the dominant image, but the text has always been important in my creative process. The text helps me to set ideas. I think at another pace of what I write and give it a new vision of what I do. Lately, I'm also working with video and audio. Enriching the process is always interesting and working the “languages” that you do not fully control allows you not to have the whole process under control. I also try to create chance or feed chance so that unexpected results will emerge from there.”


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