What is the educational 3L project?
Mikel Basabe Kortabarria 2021eko uztailaren 06a

I ask, because I do not know how this project that had to be “experimentation” is at the moment. They evaluated it in 2014, and since then I know nothing: neither plough nor iso. Do not generalise or eliminate. Does it produce any results?

Oh, sorry, reader! For me, the 3L concept is so common, that I've thought you know what I'm talking about. Look, as the stories begin “once upon a time…”, the Space of Trilingual Education began experimentally as follows: “The teaching of the two official languages is fairly stabilized in the educational system…”, in 2010!

"It is irresponsible to maintain 3L experimentation until the approval of the new law, without carrying out a study on the results you really get"

The 3L project that appeared in the socialist electoral program necessarily had to be implemented in an experimental way, because what is proposed in it has no place in the current educational law. It establishes three models, A, B and D, specifying that the language of teaching will be Spanish or Basque. However, project 3L includes English as a language of instruction and not in any way: 20% of the hours must be taught in English. Twenty in Spanish and twenty in Basque. The remaining hours, 40 per cent of the total, are taught in the language decided by the center. Depending on what to decide? You know that. It should be taken into account that in diagnostic evaluations the Department of Education does not measure oral expression. Not even written: it measures just understanding.

In addition, the students of our system do not undertake external studies to show their real knowledge in Basque: B1 is supported for ESO students in models D or B and B2 for high school students. They've also studied 3L in a school. In other words, they have had only 20% of the Basque school hours.

I assume that the government is going to adopt a new education law in this legislature. It has a majority, and it will have to be seen what decision the opposition groups that are in favour of the concerted take. But it is irresponsible to keep the 3L experimentation until the approval of the new law, without carrying out a study on the results you actually get. Serious research, which also takes into account oral research.

The responsibility would be that for the text of the new law the government would propose a single educational model from the two year class to the ESO 4, in which the Basque language is the teaching language of the first years and the remaining two, Spanish and English, will gradually be integrated as they progress in the courses.