Itxaro Borda 2021eko uztailaren 06a

In the two laps of the last elections also in Iparralde, two of the three voters have stayed at home. Both assert that it could be the consequence of the coronavirus, stress that it is disappointed to train in favour of democratic play by voting. Democracy today, as an old song said, has become a kind of pig watcher, a wager on direct action against the government that leaves the streets in the fire: going to vote, truth, does not take pride in the measure of adrenaline.

"Democracy today, as an old song said, has become a "pig's asador."

It's Macron's fault. Since 2017, it has rejected and undervalued intermediate powers, such as parties and trade unions. People find no way to establish their place of residence. If the circus and bread are not enough, it is altered, broken, folded to the ends of the right, because salvation would come from there...

We try to understand abstention. But without going too far, we could add that it rises on the ground of a laziness, in the fear of losing Sunday in pointless tasks and in a serious indifference to everything that is seen as political in its head.