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With the strength of the voice, vibrating the earth

Argazkia: Amets Aranguren
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The City of Pamplona organises the Kantu eta Hitza cycle annually. This year the concerts are in the beautiful and sunny plaza O de la Parte Vieja. It has been the turn of one of Nafarroa Garaia’s most powerful voices today: Petti. As we approached the concert area, we’ve been seeing what along with him were going to be on the stage and… they weren’t all. It is true that the Beratarras have no difficulty in forming an elegant group by pulling the house harvest, and he has done so himself: Joseba Irazoki on guitar and Telletxea brothers on bass and drums. He has also accompanied a couple of people outside the village: Juantxo Zeberio and Alejandro Saul Martínez, on the keyboard and cello respectively.

When: 10 June
Where: Plaza de Santa María del Bº de Pamplona

The sextet comes to present its Manipullazio strategy album a year ago. Music by Petti, thought by Noam Chomsky and words by Harkaitz Cano together. The slow rhythms and ostinates of the electric guitar have been commissioned in many songs and the melody has had the function of giving movement. That's caught me, I'm easy to conquer with melodies. It cannot be left without mentioning, of course, that the presence of Petti’s voice is very scarce in our musical panorama. The recorded and vigorous voice gives the subtle melodies a unique, firm yet warm character, as if it were unbreakable. He's sung to guilt, to repentance and even to adults, a couple of cradle songs. The new album does, but interspersing classics, of course. And in them are the words of Pello Lizarralde and Joxean Artze, among others. Although I’m enjoying the concert more than I think, I have to acknowledge that one thing has turned me back: I’ve never been convinced to be recited to a song, I don’t ask why, but I see it artificial, I don’t think so.

“The unnamed concern is not true” sings us accompanied by his guitar, testing the possibility of spreading the voice in its grit and directing the words directly from its interior to our interior. He has also shown his skill in guitar and his presence in the blues singing. And being in Pamplona, he has not lost the opportunity to make a wink to the legendary Pamplona band Balerdi Balerdi, as Toño Muro has recorded the guitar in a song of his new album. Everything is at home.

Petti has touched me for many years (given the dimension that that “long year” can have at 22 years old), marginalized in one corner, I did not like it. I always say that one of the most beautiful sensations in the world is to rediscover the new music you like, but it's nothing wrong to discover it. He's going to go on the list for the next one that will tell me, "Recommend music in Euskera," yeah.

You are interested in the channel: Petti
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