What the Cloths Tell Us
  • In Norway, researchers at the University of Trondheim have found remnants of eight fabrics in the tomb of a 10th century Viking: six wool and the other two linen.
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(argazkia: Ntnu University Museum)
(argazkia: Ntnu University Museum)

On rare occasions so many and so varied pieces have been found, and besides knowing that the woman was probably a member of the elite, the experts try to draw other conclusions: the garments of the Vikings were more complex than they expected – they have found an embroidery – and they were more colorful – pigments are also being studied – the textile industry was an important activity – to make the fabrics of a Viking boat you needed the hair of 2,000 sheep and to make the

In addition, they will analyse whether these fabrics were manufactured or imported into them, which will also provide information on trade relations.